It's learning

thanks to for the stock
thanks to for the stock
source and my own image used.....
For: falcon contest
my photo for background and source
For: falcon contest
The falcon sculpture immediately reminded me of the pattern in the loon's feathers. I used one of my own paintings which I did in the Adirondacks for a reference (this is in my SBS). Thanks so much to siilur at for the lovely background misty sunset lake. Please see my SBS for deta...
For: falcon contest
Only source used
For: falcon contest
Enjoy :)
For: falcon contest
made from source only
For: falcon contest by jusone on sxc
For: falcon contest
For: kitchen creatures contest
Inspired from the Lord of the rings movies... thanks and credits to 'duchesssa', 'salsachica ', 'Magos' and sxc hu Please see the enlarged version before voting...
For: kitchen creatures contest
For: kitchen creatures contest
Lorena Molinari- Ove Tøpfer- Hannah Chapman- anna moreno- B S K- gamal abdalla- A...
For: kitchen creatures contest
For: kitchen creatures contest
Thanks to ueckermann, _mutt, duchesssa and EdwinP Inspired by the movie "Finding Nemo"
For: kitchen creatures contest
For: kitchen creatures contest
Credit: for earth image NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, and Digital Globe/QuickBird; Space Imaging/IKONOS; MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC
For: icon designs contest
source used: "Guitar heroine - Stock" by ~memersonphotographic on
For: icon designs contest
Followed tutorial closely and made some adjustments for use in CS3.
For: icon designs contest
I only use the pxleyes logo for this entry by printscreen. Thank you.
For: icon designs contest
My portfolio icon for girl only! All made by PTS. Because this is a icon, I didn't make the higher resolution image, this is the largest one that I made.
For: icon designs contest
Lonely hearts... click on it! Only PS CS3...
For: icon designs contest
The dropping economy not only affected humans but others as well... No outside sources
For: matches contest