Primitive Art Exhibit

Only image used, was the image source provided by pxleyes.
For: chestnut contest
Only image used, was the image source provided by pxleyes.
For: chestnut contest
For: chestnut contest
Only Source
For: chestnut contest
sky from night fate stock Edit link of the source image fixed
For: chestnut contest
used source only
For: chestnut contest
For: chestnut contest
Source only.
For: chestnut contest
all source
For: chestnut contest
Thanks to Hanratty-stock at DA for the great evil clown face.
For: chestnut contest
Only source
For: chestnut contest
only source and soft brush
For: tulips contest
Only source used; a lot of copy, paste, resize, and merged layers!
For: car front contest
When I first saw the source, I thought: BUG EYED. Then I went from there :)
For: car front contest
Once known as Amakat Skywalker but swayed by the dark side. He's really just a pussycat.
For: car front contest
only source image used
For: meter guard contest
No source images used
For: squirrel contest
I have used the pen tool to draw the squirrel...then i added noise.....then i used the smudge tool.....then i used dodge and burn for the rest of the painting.... clouds also painted in ps and applied gradient overlay to it.... for the grass....first i used the burn tool to draw shadows and all......
For: squirrel contest
Would suit a child's book wouldn't it :)