Plebius went...

A structurally oriented font from the Plebius scrolls. ;)
A structurally oriented font from the Plebius scrolls. ;)
This is a # 2 pencil drawing. There is no source image for this drawing, it is all my design. In my original plan I had added a few items that I removed after re-reading the contest guidelines of not adding other items.
For: droplet contest
Credit goes out to francog for the picture of the lady. Thank you francog! Copied ripples into dress with lots of masking, used liquify to shape water drop. Background copied from water - then duplicated, flipped and used 'polar coordinates'. Colours changed.
For: droplet contest
For: male fairies contest
See hi-res, then you'll understand the title. ;-) Basic photoshop tools and methods, lots of images and a couple of brushes from Brusheezy and Obsidian Dawn.
For: male fairies contest
Thanks to nitty-stock and JR3
For: male fairies contest
... Thanks to linzstock for the dude :) Thanks to Rustymermaid-stock for the awesome log macro. also thanks to strwberrystk for what little of the water I used. I created the wings using some of the material from the log and then liquefying it I have sbs for the wings.
For: male fairies contest
=Falln-Stock is your stock angel- Kimberly Crick- Thanks guys for the great images... Simple technique used here.Masking,creating shadows,bit hue and saturation and that's it...
For: male fairies contest
Amazon has a secret friend, a male fairy. They are playing game. Amazon asks him to find any flower that she wants without seeing... I was very hurry to finish this piece in time, so I can't draw Amazon more carefully, kind of sad :(. All done by painting. Please check the Hi-Res before voting, t...
For: male fairies contest
For: male fairies contest
Love in the good old times. Used vector masks to cut out the couple and many different blend modes. Thanks, slafko on sxc and the Australian War Memorial Collection on flickr.
For: old church contest
Thanks to twitchtoo for Heart Shaped Birds image thanks to ayla87 for atmospheric candleholder image Thnaks to dimitri_c for That's one small step for man, one giant leap... image thanks to chemtec for French hills II image
For: old church contest
jig saw of a chuch
For: old church contest
Star- Mourge!- Julia Starr- Katie and Miranda- Thanks guys for the great images... Please watch High Resolution before voting...Thanks
For: old church contest
thanks to RibbonRose,brasswatch and costi for the nice stocks
For: old church contest
Credits to: Obsidian Dawn - happeningstock - jensstockcollection - crazykitty82stock - theflickerees-stock - http://theflickerees-stoc...
For: old church contest
An entry that evolved as I was working. I originally only thought to put the camera in the field, but realized that it was too lame and thought to add another camera perhaps in the distance, facing the first-person camera. After being unable to find a suitable stock photo, I added a squirrel insetad...