Wanna Play
only source is an image I took
For: iguana contest
only source is an image I took
For: iguana contest
SBS enroute
For: iguana contest
For: movie night contest
photos I took at a local museum's garden area and PS 7.0 Textures
For: movie night contest
For: movie night contest
Love this movie!
For: movie night contest
Inspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxLacN2Dp6A&feature=related EVERYTHING other than the source for which the link has been provided was created by me, using CS3.
For: movie night contest
It looks like some one don't want to tell the truth.
For: movie night contest
I had to make a little change to the field I had used before because i misunderstood the rules of the image. Credits to: Marcus Ranum - http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/ theflickerees-stock - http://theflickerees-stock.deviantart.com/
A bit rushed, but hope you like
Thanks to hilleke for the pump photo; Flowers and leaves are all created from the striped canopy swing covers and leaves of tree. Lots of resizing, rotating, and burning in shadows at end. Cardinal is handdrawn with brush and pen tools.
Source used only
For: cogs contest
additional sources provided by; 아침놀 (yep, thats how you spell it, we'll just call him Bob) and Quang Minh
For: cogs contest
I don't have enough time to finish this one as I wanted to :(. My idea is making a robot puppy, which works as a movable clock. Credits to komandrk on Deviantart for the background. All made by pen tool.
Andrei-http://vishstudio.deviantart.com/ Kassmir-http://kassmir.deviantart.com/ Str8-http://str8flush.deviantart.com/ dA's Best Kept Secret-http://peace-of-art.deviantart.com/ Julia Starr-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/night_fate Marcus J. Ranum-http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/ Laur...
i made this image with CS3 ; C4D thanks to ''mjranum-stock'' for source 1
Updated: I desaturated a little and clock are now much bigger
Clocks Taking Over Credits to: Xample - http://xample-stock.deviantart.com/ Photohouse - http://photohouse.deviantart.com/