Automatic Chewer

lol... --------- no outside source.
lol... --------- no outside source.
A sci fiction scene... the main building is sucking energy from the enviroment around it. Credits to: Effects made with filters.
source and my photos
thanks to "marctonysmith" for source 1 thanks to "resurgere" for source 2 thanks to "juandesant" for source 3
Used personal picture of the Lizard on my SBS Brush credit thanks Janet Asprey
I did this in 2 I hope there are not too many nips that I didn't attend to :) Edit: took CMYKS advice.... erased some lion to reveal more tattoo...
Blending modes,Dry brush
For: sea gull contest
Snake and parrots were all created from the papaya source image. Thanks to kconnors at morguefile for the tree background and to greenside8 at morguefile for the reference parrot.
For: papaya tree contest
My photos
For: door mania contest
source only used
For: papaya tree contest
All source with Reference :)
For: papaya tree contest
For: papaya tree contest
Hi all.... please help me with ur fabulous comments.... to makeup this one..
For: papaya tree contest
only source image used
For: papaya tree contest
For: papaya tree contest honest and tell me what you think... Ps. theres a problem with the first post and i had to resubmit.
For: candy cane contest
A special place for kids. Thanks to zambyoo7 at for the doorway photo, to vilhelm at for the candy used to create the street, to jetolla at morguefile for the gingerbread/candy house, to xblackxcreedx at morguefile for the nutcracker photo, and to imagina for the sunset...
For: candy cane contest
The curve shapes and color piece from this candy is perfect blocks for making picture. I made the fire dragon just from these pieces. It took me so much hour and patience, but finally I can finish that. Hope you like it, too.
For: candy cane contest
ALL SOURCE AND PHOTOSHOP Better Viewed in High Res
For: candy cane contest
Only source image used. High Resolution better.
For: candy cane contest
only source image used
For: candy cane contest