Flower Spirals

For: horse tail contest
Happy little bugs court each other somewhere in the forest. No other sources used.
For: horse tail contest
only source image used
For: horse tail contest
i know i don't need a SBS but incase you were wondering here's what I did 1. I selected a kiwi from the Source image 2. Made a circle (elliptical marquee tool) with a fixed ratio of 15px X 15px 3. Then I put the circle around the kiwi 4. I inversed the selection (shift+cntrl+i) and deleted ...
For: kiwis contest
all source
For: kiwis contest
Cut and layered individual kiwi pieces. Distorted and skewed images then blended in. Special thanks and acknowledgement to flickr and spettacolopuro for the use of that award winning photo.
For: kiwis contest
Is this little green fellow surprised or pleasantly content with being in the wrong place? Hope he's vegetarian. Thanks to Grafixar at morguefile for the little raptor, to peachyqueen at morguefile for the source of baby chicks hatching,penywise at morguefile for baby chicks with feeder, and to ...
For: wrong place contest
For: wrong place contest
STOP the spread of toilet cams.
For: wrong place contest
Source image from Photoshop Talent before the server crash.
For: wrong place contest
Made with 3DS Max. Render with mental ray. Post edited with Photoshop. No external sources. Materials are default Arch & Materials from mental ray including the wood map.
For: wrong place contest
Thanks to David Ritter, Don Schwartz, Dimitri Castrique, narendra s and Antonio Jiménez Alonso for the stock.
For: wrong place contest
Hey, big fella, this is our turf. Why don't you take your girlfriend and go back to the zoo where you belong??????You are in the WRONG place! Thanks to zambyoo7 at pxleyes for the lighthouse photo; to click at morguefile.com and kabir at morguefile for the gorilla back photos and gorilla with ha...
For: wrong place contest
tnx to iconevil-kittie-stock at deviant art
Many hours spent on this. I think the time spent on it was worth it, as I am very happy with the result. Sources from SXC.hu (thanks Indigo6811) and my own personal images taken in Hawaii. Uploaded a High Resolution to see the image better.
Thanks to ''zatrokz'' for source 1 Thanks to ''aap411vm'' for source 2 Thanks to ''valkarie'' for source 3
I took the idea from a tutorial of sebastiano HOW TO CREATE A FANTASY PHOTOMANIPULATION IN PHOTOSHOP. but used other images for my composition. and I have to thank : sxc.hu and the authors of the images used.
Credit: Thanks to 'SalsolaStock'' for source 1
I actually made this restoration for my mother in law, it was the only pic she had as a child only because she took it from her fathers wallet when he died. I thought this would make her day as i gave it to her as a birthday gift on 5-6-2009.... I hope you enjoy it, I took a good few hours in order ...
For: photo restoration contest