Playing Icarus

"Look! I did tell him not to fly too high!!!!" ... Male model thanks to Felixdeon in DeviantART. Clouds brushes thanks to JavierZhx in DeviantART
For: lamp post contest
"Look! I did tell him not to fly too high!!!!" ... Male model thanks to Felixdeon in DeviantART. Clouds brushes thanks to JavierZhx in DeviantART
For: lamp post contest
Only source
For: lamp post contest
all source
For: lamp post contest
The prestigious Knight in a Medieval iron chess set. Chess, like Photoshop requires great patients and perfect concentration. thanks GREATONE! and Pxleyes for the nice source pics
For: horse head contest
I learned to illustrate a wine bottle in photoshop using this tutorial.
For: horse head contest
My first impression was he looked like a pirate, so now he is. pirate source photo for visual reference only. thanks to didier
For: pxl members contest
One of pxleyes most caring and giving members always ready with a kind word and wide smile. A perfect Santa thanks to seattleye for the santa photo cmyk46's photo is on the first page and 4th post down of the photo thread.
For: pxl members contest
Thanks for the use of your picture Oana. Thanks to all stock photo providers. see lin links farmerstochter
For: pxl members contest
Only Supplied image used. High Resolution better. SBS uploading...............
For: jeep contest
Only supplied image used. Please see in High Resolution.
For: jeep contest
Only source image used. Please make time to see in High Resolution. SBS uploading..............
For: jeep contest
... Grunge texture thanks to Princess of Shadows in
For: jeep contest
If i had this jeep i would..... I divided the body up in sections then transformed them to shape. Then i added the extras from source 2 and source 3. I would like to thank: Foofighterfan502, BFRPosh Photos on Flicker for the extra sources.
For: jeep contest
used paint engine PS plugin, for the final effect. It's freeware and can be found here:
For: fairy tales contest
This is my Christmas holiday wish to everyone at pxleyes and all those who enjoy it so much. I wanted to name it Dance of the Sugarplum Dragonflies, but not enough room. Thanks to OldGreySeaWolf at for the inspiring photo of the reed relections used for the background. The only ot...
For: room contest
No fireplace for Ole St. Nick...but plenty of anger. The 'Naughty List' never lies...See high resolution for details. Creative commons flickr for Santa legs...
For: room contest
PLEASE CHECK HIGH-RES FOR DETAILS! No outside sources, 95% of all work just smudge, dodge and burn.
For: glass contest
So that I could work only with the glass, I cut it out using the blue channel and dessaturaded it. The rest is manipulation :-) ... Credit texture: Princess of Shadows Credit Withered Roses: Rolve http://www.sxc....
For: glass contest
Only the source image used for this entry
For: glass contest
As perfect as time. Thanks to
For: glass contest
Rose, please veiw high res
For: glass contest
For: mystic draws contest