Good Times, Bad Times...

Only the source was used.
Only the source was used.
My idea - Old Yoda the master with two laser swords in the hell! Done in photoshop without sketches and source images only my own idea. Only photoshop and source image used.
For: pavilion contest
Thanks to *somadjinn
For: irregular pattern contest
This was my entry from the past photoshoptalent contest. No other sources used.
For: irregular pattern contest
For: irregular pattern contest
took me 5hrs+ with a mouse... drew the sketch from scratch, right on the canvas.
Burn, dodge and smudge tools only. No reference used.
just dodge burn and smear lots of
I hate dodge and burn :) Trying to do this all on one layer was a pain!
3 tools used to create this entry. This really is not as easy as some might think and gives one a lot of practice while trying to work without layers, etc. This was done from scratch with no reference materials. Just having fun with tools.
This was a challenge, as I have no drawing pad, so as a lefty, I drew it with the mouse & my right hand. Really makes me appreciate pencils. :) This scene is totally from my head. there are no references.
This was fun till i burned the background Edit: i have add 2 more steps showing my training on drawing the butter fly wing on the paper
Looks like i found my new hobby :-)
used my own sketch as reference...
Thanks to Falln-Stock for her wonderful statues
thanks and credits, and cgtextures
sources used: "Trifid Nebula [M20]" by Akarsh Simha on "Explosion Brushes 09" by ~Mu5uk0 on