
Only source used to create apples ready for the press!
For: apple press contest
Only source used to create apples ready for the press!
For: apple press contest
No outside sources used, the brush used to draw the center of the flower is a default photoshop brush (192) Thanks to CMYK46 for getting me to try new things.. i admit it could be better, but it's my first time trying something like this.
For: apple press contest
One of my favorite subjects is a hummingbird so this is my attempt at using the beautiful colors of the copper. I hope you enjoy it.
For: apple press contest
Only used contest source and two brushes.
For: apple press contest
I took the bird and scaled it for the otters face, slightly changed the perspective, this is what i made of it!
For: bird face contest
In this work i first extracted some feathers ,nose and the eye parts separately and applied filters and placed and scaled them wherever external sources used
For: bird face contest
Only source image used. The trees used in this image are brushes with gradient effects on them. Thanks to Stock Graphic Designs for the tree brushes.
For: bird face contest
used contest picture
For: bird face contest
For: bird face contest
Great news: Pxleyes has launch their 3 product Surreal Art, Drawing Skills and Fantasy Art syrups. Use of any of this product will, instantly produce and boost relative creativity skill in you. 15% discount on bundle purchase. Hurry up, order now and become artist and produce master peaces. Tha...
Tak Tak Tak, Good morning Sir, we have a great offer for you. Only Photoshop
thanks to klsmith77 & txd
For: economic depression contest
Only used source image. SBS coming soon
For: windsocks contest