You Blow My Mind

Only source image used. High Resolution better.
Only source image used. Just something I have been messing with.
For: empty plate contest
only an attempt to recreate stage show... no external source...
For: empty plate contest
source and PS
For: empty plate contest
here i just experimented with liquefy option in and i hope i got a better result..and none of the external source images used in this work
For: empty plate contest
Thanks to taliesin at morguefile for buck and doe photos and faustfoundation at morguefile for 2 deer photo. Also, to lazy_lizard for colored leaf photo at morguefile, and to cdcguard at morguefile for the creek photo.
Only vector masks, filters, adjustments and layer masks.
credits and thanks: Enjoy!
did u know slugs love tango? please don't tell 'em they sing bad or that they drool...they got feelings too ps only
My first Entry. When i first saw to source image, i though about this sortoff dreamy scenery. Hope you like it.
Old PST entry, nothing but the source.
source/my pics/ps7
this is just an idea got from a cartoon series in i placed two pictures and and just add gradient to the new layer and blend them linear light and hue..then i erased some of the area to show the skins real
An artistic manipulation of the given source. Credits to: PSDtuts one of my inspirations. Nelson Syozi for my UFO image. Steve Bush for my clouds image.
Used only the source image and painting.
Thanks to Kechake-Stock for her excellent model Thanks to Ilovemuffin-Stock for her dramatic sky Thanks to texurestockbyhjs for the birds
Strange sculpture. Only source. Step by step under construction