Wrong Turn, Clyde

For: crop circles contest
For: crop circles contest
Even aliens need to pass the time once in a while. Looks like X's have it! Please see high resolution.
For: crop circles contest
this is from the early life of lchappell :)
Only source image used.
For: globe contest
For Oana, the little voice that keeps me going! Thanks a lot to Fenne-stock and Falln-Stock for their images. Thanks a lot to CMYK, Elficho and Sparklen - i have adjusted the lighting
For: globe contest
For: globe contest
Only Source used.
For: globe contest
credit to Mattox from sxc for the floor credit to Hrivalasse-stock from DA for the stars credit to NASA for the images of the planets. Credit to GAZZA453 from PXLeyes for the clouds. reference image of the hand my own photo (see SBS) If you have problems trying to get the link for th...
For: globe contest
The background image that I used is one of mine. No other sources used.
For: globe contest
Thanks to night_fate and Lelaina My attempt for creating surreal art.
For: globe contest
nothing but the source Smoke created with the help of these brushes:http://photoshoptutorials.ws/photoshop-downloads/photoshop-brushes/real-smoke-photoshop-brushes.html
For: globe contest
Only source and photoshop.
For: globe contest
Seeing the photo reminded me somehow of computer games. Made this RPG character using only the source. Please also see high resolution image. Update: Worked on monster and added some orange reflections.
For: cool toy contest
For: cool toy contest
Only source used! :)
For: cool toy contest
Entirely from scratch using Photoshop CS3. More details in the SBS
For: snowflake contest
No external sources - this little fella just jumped out at me from the source! SBS to follow...
For: glazed meat contest
For: glazed meat contest
yummy kitty :) thx for all these great stocks source 4 and 6 by nkzs tiles patterns from www.obsidiandawn.com
For: bathing cat contest
replace original
For: bathing cat contest
The owl and the pussycat went to sea, in a tub much too small for the pair. The dratted thing sank, and the cat lost a life, but the owl simply took to the air!
For: bathing cat contest