NO OUTSIDE SOURCES USED.... made by warping...
For: wood closeup contest
NO OUTSIDE SOURCES USED.... made by warping...
For: wood closeup contest
Warp, dodge and burn layer, liquify, only scource used
For: wood closeup contest
This image was created based on a tutorial I found by james Davies (http://www.photoshoplady.com/tutorial/how-to-apply-textures-to-uneven-surfaces/1013). Many thanks to lislesstock, ucantkillmymindstock,sheisprettystock and cajun-stock of deviantart.com for their cracking images.
For: wood closeup contest
Bina Sveda,Roger Kirby,G & A Scholiers and Andrew C Thank u guy's for great images....
For: wood closeup contest
source and my pics HIGH RES is much much better..please take a look (AND YES!! THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO BE FLOATING ON THEIR GLOW :)
For: wood closeup contest
Only source picture used.
For: wood closeup contest
A monk tests his faith by walking alone in an underground passage. No other sources used.
For: wood closeup contest
not outside source
For: petals contest
Another old entry. Unfortunately PSD and detail SBS has been deleted, found JPG from my collection. used source for body. Eyes, mouth and fins painted in photoshop. Thanks to Elnias for background and fish picture
For: deco girl contest
ONLY SOURCE USED made by warping
Robot Spider Alot of Smudging, bending, transforming etc involved but was worth it in the end
Please see SBS for details of execution. Enjoy! credits and thanks: http://jusuart-stock.deviantart.com
Sigh.. last Halloween piece till next year... Source and PS
Thanks to Nexus for his tutorial "make an object transparent" of old PST. Bubble source image was from old PST site and I have taken permission from Mr Monty for re-submitting my entry and using same bubble source. See email from Monty in SBS. Also thanks to lizerixt for leave pict...
Just what else could you think of when you see a spider. ;-) My credits to authors from Flickr: Leo Reynolds, ehegt, Lance Mccord, Stephen Mcleod
This was my entry on PST. Credits to: "Clearly Ambigous" for the perfect backround for my teddybear. Official account at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/clearlyambiguous/. Hope you still like it!
only use of contest picture
There is a greater story behind the image.. This is for CMYK seeing he likes stitches so much :D enjoy BOB
For: lips contest
nothing but the source
For: lips contest
It's very possible to ask what I wanted to suggested..it's hard to define what happens to you when you feel artistic..it's just unexpeted. I love the surreal style and I think it defines my creative mood for the moment. I modified the lips a little bit using the crop tool and the smooth selection ...
For: lips contest
all made from source, with photoshop
For: lips contest