The Gallery

Probably the best gallery exit there is...Please see high resolution.
For: bridge contest
Probably the best gallery exit there is...Please see high resolution.
For: bridge contest
This was my entry for the old PST. Please follow SBS for details. The two images used are from I hope you still like it!
For: bridge contest
one of my old entries!
For: bridge contest
Thanks to: - Lisajen-stock (
For: bridge contest
sketched this one wid HB pencil and later on with crayons.technique and method explained in sbs
For: flowers contest
Please check out SBS before voting..... (Honestly) this is my first time I draw some flowers.....last time I draw flower when I was 11 years old......but I believe my IDEA is not so poor....hope u like it....... done using 2H pencil, eraser and .5 ball black pen. Final adjustments are made ...
For: flowers contest
All my own photos were used in addition to the source background photo. A layer of pattern was added at the end to give the effect of snow falling. There's no feeling like riding in a sleigh with snowflakes hitting your face.
For: bridge contest
Hand drawn with 0.3 pen and pencil
For: flowers contest
dedicate to all mom's in the world
For: flowers contest
No 2 pencil charcoal pencil black ink colored pencils
For: flowers contest
well concept was the most obvious for the given source.i hope i did justice,being totally new to their culture,hope made right use of props and make-up.i did google search and read documents to know more about a geisha.Suggestions and comments are most welcomed.
I like flowers. Rose is one of my favorites. I have some growing in the garden. There is where I got the idea of making a drawing of a rose first, then fill the outlines with color. I tried Illustrator, but I think PS worked much better. I used the smudge tool, as I have done in some of my works...
For: flowers contest
i have used only Hb pencil for drawing
For: flowers contest
i have used Hb pencil for drawing...and 6b for shading...
For: flowers contest
This is funny in a way, my son is taking a drawing class in school and I have been teaching him to draw flowers in folk art style. I had made him a little guide book for it to guide him in his practice. I tend to draw anything if I am talking on the phone and the flowers you see here have come fro...
For: flowers contest
Thanks to Daboss-Stock. I'm afraid the author of the abandoned railway station stock did not reply in time to give me permission to use his stock, so i have replaced it with this beautiful castle ruin stock.
Only supplied image used. Please see in High Resolution.
glittery paper moon and stars made by me using pen tool and standard star brushes
credit to mjranumstock from DA for the amazing reference image..... (please have your "adult content" set to on in DA to view the reference image)
I used only the source image. Wings and tail modified