I Love You

Thanks to http://eirian-stock.deviantart.com, Mqtrf (pxleyes.com), Abyla(www.sxc.hu) and http://www.obsidiandawn.com/light-beams-photoshop-gimp-brushes
For: teepee contest
Thanks to http://eirian-stock.deviantart.com, Mqtrf (pxleyes.com), Abyla(www.sxc.hu) and http://www.obsidiandawn.com/light-beams-photoshop-gimp-brushes
For: teepee contest
source used a view from my sister's old house (she had installed a new stair case that everyone kept falling down) and referenced a combo photograph from flickr) references only
For: teepee contest
For: teepee contest
The sky and landscape are beautiful, thanks to Lelaina, from Stock pics here at pxleyes. I got this idea, as the teepee needed some color, so, I decided to do this.
For: teepee contest
If you fly too close you could end up a snack for this cantankerous little fella.
All sources used are from the given source image. Just started playing around with the different parts and came up with this
Only source image used. Please see in High Resolution.
For all you mid westerners, I think you can recognize the 4H club feel for ribbons.. for those of you who have never been to a 4th of July Carnival... It smells a LOT like live stock... and that's just people.. LOL
For: fruit picnic contest
source and an ugly flower everyone ignored at a garden show so I took a picture of it
(check high resolution)
For: rhino contest
Credit to Albi-chan from sxc for the rocks and grass... Early in the African Morning, Duncan and his family search for a watering hole. Dad's obviously blind, he's gone the wrong way. Duncan and Mum find the Hole and shout to dad who's lost in the mist. "It's Over here Dad!"
For: rhino contest
by using a cow pic that i already have in 1 of my cd's collection , i transformed this rhino skin with the cow skin
For: rhino contest
Please view in High Resolution.
For: rhino contest
Used only source and a few reference photos. Hope you like it :D
For: rhino contest
thanks for the brushes Anime Eyes Set 1 - CS2 by =Balen13
For: metal barn contest