Space joy

The little doll is having some fun in space.
For: doll contest
The little doll is having some fun in space.
For: doll contest
yeeep, a clear manipulation :P The sky and the water have been merged using the perspective tool on both elements and the erase tool for blending. The sky reflected in the water was made by creating a new layer with the sky set on overlay. Felt that the green hill to strange to merge it lonely with ...
"Farewell from my reality, welcome to my day and night dreams." Credits and thanks to intergalacticstock(, Izabelha, Abyla and decar66.
Children always remember the fun times.
A bit to surreal, but it's a happy image, full of color and light. The main message of the picture is that: where is a baby, eveything comes to life :) .Used the face of the doll and the ribbon from the source image. The warp tool was very useful in order to change the state of several graphic eleme...
For: doll face contest
Oldie one :-) ------- Only source used and plenty of PS :-)
For: blowball contest
Underwater scene created using a great tutorial made by Mark Monciardini.
For: blowball contest
Old entry, did a few edits on it since last time, like the bottom of the nose.
For: blowball contest
all source and ps
For: sowing wheel contest
what I saw looking at the source were lots of lines and this is how the line horse was born. after countless layers and lots of time I think the result is simple but also complicated like the horse I wish to have one day (this time a real one)
For: map stack contest
Only source :)
For: map stack contest
Wrinkles were done by using dodge, burn, smudge and blur tools. Hair color changed to gray by selecting it and changing it to black and white and setting blend mode and opacity.
For: older beauty contest
The first chopper Hope you like it
Thanks to Global Conservation Assistance, Stig Nygaard
something I deal with every frickin day of my life my pics with source
This is some years after the war. With nothing to do but survive she added her own drawings on an ancient cavewall, thinking about time and how it must have been...long ago...
Deep in an ancient cave on the planet mars.
For: stones contest