By The Shore

All source and ps
For: stones contest
All source and ps
For: stones contest
He's breaking free! Thanks to CGtextures - my favourite stock website!! Thanks to CMYK for providing me with the image of the splash!
For: stones contest
Ice cold stone, ice cold heart. Like the one from the fairy-tale.
For: stones contest
Used the clone tool, the brush, and the pen tool :)
For: stones contest
I used only the source image to create this baby dragon who is very much fond of growing flowers.
For: stones contest
Had a lot of fun making this trinket. Only source used, I used my own spider photo I took for reference which I will post in the SBS ENJOY
For: sowing wheel contest
My old too :)
For: sowing wheel contest
An oldie... I had began it with an illustration for the face, but changed it when I was notified I couldn't use it ;) (edit: lightened face)
For: sowing wheel contest
No outside source used.
For: sowing wheel contest
Limbo (Latin limbus, edge or boundary, referring to the "edge" of Hell) is an idea about the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the damned.
For: flamingo contest
There is no need to carry a lantern. Inside this forest there are plants that illuminate the surroundings. I only used the flamingo and some brushes to create the image.
For: flamingo contest
Only source used. My apologies to all who hate fairies :) I promise not to make any more hehe This is my old entry. Unfortunately I didn't save the SBS, so will need to make another one - which I will as soon as can! :) Once again, sorry for the fairies lol
Masking work, warp and shadow work.
Used only source image and brushes from Please see high res!
brushes :
Source Only and PS (reversal of time done on purpose) sbs shows close up of source used
For: white flower contest
For: white flower contest
No external sources used. Chopped out the "jelly fish" from the source, the rest is PS. How the underwater scene is made? - loads of tutorials on this online. The ship wreck is pen tool (see sbs) plus filters, mostly Wind and Gausian Blur. The rest - see sbs :) EDIT: To all of you luc...
For: white flower contest
just had to be done.. hope she likes it :)
For: avatar wars contest
For: avatar wars contest