waiting, wishing, hoping

http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=1210262 feet by spanishale http://www.obsidiandawn.com/wings-photoshop-gimp-brushes http://www.obsidiandawn.com/clouds-ii-photoshop-gimp-brushes
http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=1210262 feet by spanishale http://www.obsidiandawn.com/wings-photoshop-gimp-brushes http://www.obsidiandawn.com/clouds-ii-photoshop-gimp-brushes
Surreal, ha? :P I've been inspired by a song played by a moldovian band - Alternosfera. It's called 511 City. In this city, the music is the element that makes you live in a desert of silence. You just need to fly a lil bit in your imagination and you'll find this city. Strange, ha? don't worry...it...
in the, .... oh no, wait. I think she just went.. oh no! .... My fault, im sorry... :-S ..... :-) Source only. *actually i have internet connection probs at the time. i poste it, duno if i can change my ideas. Take it as ready. But im not fine with it. hope i can change things til dea...
For: nun contest
Only image used for this project, is the source image provided by pxleyes, the rest is photoshop. Believe or not this little machine can make clones too, it is unexpensive and effective, those chicks are not dead, they will be like twins
For: sleepy chick contest
Thanks to my beautiful friend Nicole for the picture and a big thanks to the photographer: 'Sam Chammas' :) (edit: left wing fixed)
For: sleepy chick contest
Only source used...with references...
For: sleepy chick contest
All source image. hope ya all like it. :) Used one brush, from this set. http://www.thepixlpusher.com/free-brushes-of-clouds/
Mr Foo and the dragon are made only with the given source and photoshop. Didn't use any reference for the old man which I'm very proud of :-) Alot of copy paste warp and liquify. Burn and dodge... 3days of work 8 hours a day. Please view in high resolution!
For: lanterns contest
I selected one of the lanterns from source image, copy/paste numerous times, resize, flip and positioned them differently in the tree. Selected leaves from another tree image, warped, resized and positioned them differently on and in between branches. Masked them to create a better blend with the b...
For: lanterns contest
I recreated the kimono and the umbrella out of source image. Added sky backround and extra lanterns on top of image. Played with adjustment layers for coloring, shadows and highlights. Credits to "xstockx" on Deviantart for an absolutely amazing stock that I'm in love with! Please vis...
For: lanterns contest
this really happened.. accept it was a deli counter, and it involved a huge tray of about 1000 chicken wings, and it was a grown woman who wanted a very specific wing... ONE.. I prayed for the deli counter person source and my pic
For: lanterns contest
Every morning, before the sun comes up a guide 'guides' the stars back to safety... to 'star haven' View in High Res for a better viewing
For: nun contest
source and my pics
For: nun contest
Too sweet to eat! Seal thinks this one's a keeper! Source links noted. Thanks to tome213 for seal and xianstudio for penguin. Basic lighting adjustments and blending. EDIT: Cropped and fixed edges per suggestions. Thanks!
SBS has Forum Picture used as Reference Winter Spring Summer or Fall "You've Got a Friend" Lyrics by Carole King (link below) http://skdesigns.com/internet/articles/lyrics/king/friend/
For: sosia mania contest
Created while listening to this song Symmetry by Jane Siberry (Now ISSA) ...or say you're in a room and there's a beautiful fire and you're looking out the window (at the snow and the winter streets below) but your eyes keep returning to the fire this is what I'm thinking the reason ...
For: venice mask contest
Here I used only source image(no external source or reference) and my imagination to create this entry. Please see the high res view and write your comments.
For: venice mask contest
For: venice mask contest
Only source... I decided to put a black background, to make the piece stand out more... Pls view high res... Thanks
For: venice mask contest