Here's Looking At You

For: design a christmas card contest
Background/Floor simple gradient. Light saber simple outer/inner glow rectangle with tip warped into point.
For: design a christmas card contest
It has been a ride of joy and learning to be here. I am grateful for the help and advise you give me. The images I use here are of my Pxleyes work. I had not done it without your help... You know who my friends are..I know it too, and for that.... Merry Christmas to you all!!
For: design a christmas card contest
Made with photoshop and Painter
For: design a christmas card contest
For: design a christmas card contest
Little Santa's here to wish you a merry Christmas. And look who he's with.
For: design a christmas card contest
The Captain Santa comes to wish you a merry Christmas and he's going to claim your loot.
For: design a christmas card contest
PG13 version ;-)
For: fairy tales come true contest
Sleeping Beauty. Before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and fall into a sleep like death! A sleep from which she will never awaken!
For: fairy tales come true contest
Hansel and Gretel are alive and well And they're living in Berlin She is a cocktail waitress He had a part in a Fassbinder film And they sit around at night now drinking schnapps and gin And she says: Hansel, you're really bringing me down And he says: Gretel, you can really be a bitch He says: I've...
For: fairy tales come true contest
"Snow White" is a German fairy tale known across much of Europe and is today one of the most famous fairy tales worldwide. The Brothers Grimm published it in 1812 in the first edition of their collection Grimms' Fairy Tales. It was titled in German: Sneewittchen (in modern orthography Schn...
For: fairy tales come true contest
Red Riding Hood took a trip through the forest to visit her dear old Grandmother, but things weren't as they seemed.
For: fairy tales come true contest Thanks Tony Webster for the Smoke Stacks Source Thanks Stew Dean for the MAP background Thanks Everfalling for the Wrist Holster https://www.f...
For: steampunk 3 contest
Simple Eye enlargement. (Like it wasn't busy enough)
For: lego people contest
Under the rantings and trepidation's of Michelle in Accounting (she was able to convince all the female office workers not to accompany all that testosterone) Spelunking was just not a good idea. The Males poo poo'd her and went on the excursion with relish. Little did they know that their reduced...
For: lego people contest
Manic Depression (Bipolar) is a very serious mental issue. I am in NO WAY making fun of the seriousness of the illness. I created this to show my frustration in the loss of many close friendships to this horrible affliction.
For: lego people contest
So Sunflowery
For: lego people contest
Space Rangers working hard to protect the space an human kind.
For: lego people contest