Sea's Rhythm

Any suggestions are very welcome ..^_^..
Any suggestions are very welcome ..^_^..
Thanks to Marcus Ranum for the use of his woman image.
I decided to really run with the "inspiration" part of this contest and make a heavily Tron inspired picture but not something seen in the movie. I ended up using a horse!
I knew I wanted to do a phoenix of sorts, so I searched for a LONG time to find just the right bird to transform. I'm rather pleased with the source I found and with the final product I arrived at. If you have a minute PLEASE look at the high res, there's a ton more detail than you can really see i...
For: fire animals contest
For: fire animals contest
For: fire animals contest
thanks to night fate stock for the sky
For: fire animals contest
only source used.
For: evil mask contest
only source used
For: evil mask contest
Used only Dyson Photo (no other images) Please see SBS and Hi Res
This is some sort of dinosaur shark...thing...I hope you like it! Its late so I'm just going to upload my step by step without explanation for now. Hopefully I'll have time later in the week to describe the steps.
A distant planet where sharks are born. No other sources used.
I didn't have much time for this, so my sbs isn't that great.. Hope you like :)
No Fishing! Sorry voters, I had to redo part of my entry because one of my sources was an illustration, altho created to be used as source its not alowed to use on pxl eyes. So I recreated the scene using no outside sources at all except the fishes that where created from the given source image.
For: totems contest