Battle ready

For: head dress contest
i used a pxleyes source image for this entry The source image belongs to MicWits101 and it's called: Pachypodium, Tsimanampetsotsa, Madagascar
For: kaleidoscope contest
Original image:
For: kaleidoscope contest
I used a photo I took myself to create this manipulation!
For: kaleidoscope contest
Thanks to Alaskan Dude at for the dancer used as source.
For: kaleidoscope contest
Magic wand, transform tool, paintbrushes, adjusts
For: for two contest
It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Credits: narendrasv
This is my Dog who has the same name as my Avatar.
For: robopets contest
For: robopets contest
he had been working on Rex most of the day and decided to go fishing...that was 3 weeks ago... base my pic of my daughter's dog "Shamus" special thanks to Micheal O.. fantastic work
For: robopets contest
I can't even keep one of *these* going?!? I should have bought the warranty... Thanks to loungerie, Mattox, Cesar Vonc, Wojtek Starak and rubyblossom Redone to reflect contest guidelines
For: robopets contest
For: robopets contest
Thanks to: eastop: house1 mattox: house2 nadia a: mountains Edit after entry was removed by moderator: Step 12 of SBS corresponds to 4 step, I've used a bricks image (I've got rights to use)
For: black helmet contest
For: black helmet contest
I saw all the subtle but wonderful textures and shinny parts of the helmet and decided to make some sort of robot woman. Everything is made from the helmet, minus the pieces of glass which is just used pen tool. I did use one source for the body position, but you can't actually see any of that actua...
For: black helmet contest
Thanks to rayand from Flicker for a very awesome model that worked perfect with what I was trying to do
For: black helmet contest