Beckham, A Man

Titian's "Allegory of Time Governed by Prudence", although described as Mannerism falls under the "Late Renaissance" period. The painting has a wise old man, a rough bearded man and an almost whimsical young man, and as a huge Lord of the rings fan this is where I went ....
Thanks to Karmenmartise at photobucket for the Bette Davis source; and thanks to lisby1 at for the Portrait of Elizabeth source photo;
Selections, fills, filters, Transform tool, Dodge / Burn, Liquify - warp. Some of the suggested elements for this contest. No brush or painting used at all. Just an old PS program that I still have. Anemonae desaturated and lowered brightness. Fish, one of them, burned more lines to make it d...
For: no painting contest
Picture was created by filling shapes created with tools other than the "paint brushes."Things like the selection tool rectangular and circular, shapes created with pen tool. Colors and gradient fills developed the depth along with dodge and burn tools for shading and lighting. Assorted fi...
For: no painting contest
For: no painting contest
Reference Tutorial:
For: no painting contest
logo i made for a vets home
For: no painting contest
For: no painting contest
For: no painting contest
For: no painting contest
Used a lot of pen tool in this 1.......... hope it's not prohibited o somethin..........
For: no painting contest
For: no painting contest
Having fun with patterns and gradients :)
For: no painting contest
For: no painting contest
Thanks to Greg Martin for the star field tutorial. Except for the tut, everything is made from scratch.
For: no painting contest
everything made from scratch, please check sbs
For: no painting contest