Couple enjoying the Climate

i used only one source image.. & i hope all pxleyes members like this image.
For: lost couple contest
i used only one source image.. & i hope all pxleyes members like this image.
For: lost couple contest
For: shoe fantasy contest
For: shoe fantasy contest
Deep in the forest, in a clearing hard to find, six magical little elves cavort around their elegant, comfy, quirky home. UPDATE: Replaced the background altogether. UPDATE #2: Added fantasy effect, explained in SBS. Many thanks to: Krappweis for the forest (new) juliaf for the elf Northam...
For: shoe fantasy contest
For: shoe fantasy contest
other sources used: thanks and credit to costi,_Cape_Verde-Mars.jpg hisks
For: shoe fantasy contest
we are always looking for a better runner
For: shoe fantasy contest
For: shoe fantasy contest
For: shoe fantasy contest
Decided to make some sorta wasp ant like creature. Something that has possibly been growing and evolving deep in a cave some where....well not so deep that there can't be sunlight :)
For: wasp closeup contest
No outside sources used. Birds are made from parts of wasp which they are now eating for lunch!
For: wasp closeup contest
Thanks to MnMCarta for awesome photography. Thanks also to DJSlane,xindilo, and nicotren from
For: wasp closeup contest
For: wasp closeup contest
Thanks to mqtrf for pic of ocean,(Transformed the pic to what I wanted), to Lelaina for pic of the sunset, and Clarita from Morguefile for the pic of the old man sitting. The rest is all PS.
For: heading out contest
Matthew 17:20 And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. Note: Entry edi...
For: heading out contest
--- The Goddess of the Goldenspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Pixelian Vale, joined the Guardian Forces for monetary purposes. However, weeks turned into months, and fighting alongside the many holy warriors with fearless souls inspired her with the responsibility o...
For: golden gate contest
For: golden gate contest
Thanks to neus spablab at for the castle source; to jeremyhiebert at for the yucca curls used in the sky; to gsfc (NASA Goddard) for stars source; (wonderful video at this source to view)
For: golden gate contest