Lego People Bird

This image was made using the source given only...Check SBS before you vote. I called Lego Birds, as it is made of lego people.
For: lego people contest
This image was made using the source given only...Check SBS before you vote. I called Lego Birds, as it is made of lego people.
For: lego people contest
Sort of a hothead, I guess... Smoke brushes Light ray brushes, Brusheezy
For: steampunk 3 contest
For: motoguzzi contest
Thank you Flickr for the Sources (Creative Commons)
For: motoguzzi contest
This is the first time I do a steampunk animal, I do not know what the requirements to make a steampunk work...I have seen pictures but this is my own idea.. tell me if it is ok, or what changes can add or subtract from the image please.
For: steampunk 3 contest
For: dreamy landscapes contest
For: dreamy landscapes contest
For: dreamy landscapes contest
I do not know why my source link for the cat's eye did not load... Here is the link Hope it is right to do it this way. Photomanipulation. Uncle Freddy was a descendant of the tree people who lived in the swamps of Florida in the 1800's. He forgot that eating poisoned rats ...
He was a guy like many... he did not know about a curse that haunted his family for generations. His father died of unknown illnesses. His mother never told him about his fate... until one day, he walked in the woods, and there was a bright full moon shinning above, and he started to feel the transf...
In a post apocaliptic Gotham, the Joker arises from the dead to command an army of undead enemies and take control of the city... would batman win this battle? Why so serious... H-Res is actual entry size... default view looks pixelated due to enlargement -----------------------------------------...
55 Centuries ago, in the era of evils and monsters there lived a good wizard who fights against them. People called him ‘Uncle George’ with affection. He killed a lot of monsters but one that could not be destroyed, Still Uncle George managed to lock him in his villa. He advised people to abando...
For: dreamy landscapes contest
For: dreamy landscapes contest
What They Found Down Below The Surface
For: gargoyle contest
For: gargoyle contest
For: gargoyle contest
This image was made using the source provided, the background is a layer on a difference style filled with a gradient. Used parts of the gargoyle to make everything shown here.
For: gargoyle contest
I was experimenting with a melting effect and thought it turned out pretty good. Using him as a Christmas ornament was just to get into the right Christmas spirit :) There is a SBS if you are interested to know how it was made. Critique is always welcome, good or bad.
For: gargoyle contest
Only source image used
For: gargoyle contest