Bouncer Smurf

For: smurfs contest
There're a couple of source that I couldn't put in the source list (had no space!!): Stair (thanks chase N.) And toolbox (thanks shoesfullofdust)
For: smurfs contest
Credits: Kakadu ime dlockeretz m4tik merlijn72
For: smurfs contest
Rural closed window image here:
For: smurfs contest
For: kavia bowl contest
Special thanks to: Fantasy Stock: mjranum-stock:
For: kavia bowl contest
source only Note: there is a nonsimetrical version in the SBS step2 check it out :-)
For: kavia bowl contest
thanks to peroni68, night-fate-stock, javierzhx for images and brushes
For: kavia bowl contest
It's Millennium Night at the Well of Transmogrification. Only once every thousand years can the Night Flyers change. Few survive the transformation but the imperative is strong and the Well draws them to it's darkest depths, to perish or change. Thank you to Lockstock (figure base) and Falln-Sto...
For: kavia bowl contest
All source with reference.
For: kavia bowl contest
I'm really sorry for the SBS, I have only several minutes left to submit my work so I can't do anything better. Basically, this entry was made by digital painting with some external sources as I mentioned.
For: kavia bowl contest
It´s traditionally the final step for Seguji to ride the Magalohr befor he grows from a boy to a man. Actually Magalohrs are realy calm animals, comparable to our cows. Only in the mating season they turn wild. Part of the courtship is to run and jump around like crazy. A perfect time for a te...
For: kavia bowl contest
This creature and the experiment tube were made using the image source. Thanks to Paulus62 for the pic of the rocks.
For: kavia bowl contest
*Update: masking of crowd in the foreground has been refined. *Update #2: a hint of bevel and emboss added to the foreground light bulbs. (See SBS for settings.)
For: pick me contest
What if a basket full of candies is left hanging on a tree, what would you do with it?
enjoy the beautiful colors of life........i thank african fi from SXC for the source image.