Heavy Heart Resting on Tower

Maybe the burden in my heart lead me to come up something like this.
For: marble contest
Maybe the burden in my heart lead me to come up something like this.
For: marble contest
Newton's Cradle is inside the SBS (all made from the source)
For: marble contest
My 4 year old, Sam, saw the source pic and called it a dinosaur egg. Seemed a pretty good idea. Used masking and resizing for composition. Painting and layer styles for the shadows. Clone stamp to extend the back ground
For: marble contest
Planet Erra, is the home of 500 million humans called the Pleiadians or Plejarans, the Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull, it is 450 light years from planet Earth. They are a human race...
For: marble contest
Sorry mod for causing lot of trouble in making this entry. Now i've changed the picture from 2 of my sources (Source 1&2), hope it will do this time. Note: Before voting please see it in high resolution...thanks.
For: marble contest
For: sky walking contest
thanks to: nevinstyre: concrete hbrinkman: new york
For: sky walking contest
For: sky walking contest
It is always nice to give flowers to a girl, so here it is. Just a nice summer mood picture. Feel free to comment. Thanks ;) No outside source was used.
For: she loves me contest
Everything is taken from the source.
For: she loves me contest
this is what i thought after a very first look of image
For: she loves me contest
So, When i first saw this comp, i thought right on to the logos where the text forms a animal or a object. And i thought, which animal would fit for that? And a FISH was a perfect animal to do it with, so i did.
For: animal logos contest
just vectors!
For: animal logos contest
Just Photoshop....
For: animal logos contest
Photoshop logo
For: animal logos contest
For: animal logos contest
For: animal logos contest
For: animal logos contest
"For him a filly to griffin bore; Hight Hippogryph. In wings and beak and crest, Formed like his sire, as in the feet before; But like the mare, his dam, in all the rest. Such on Riphaean hills, though rarely found, Are bred, beyond the frozen ocean's bound." Ludovico Ariosto
For: badass contest
More Sources: http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=47871&PHPSESSID=bobdu2g67q66170bbknde25cl3 http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=19549&PHPSESSID=bobdu2g67q66170bbknde25cl3 http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=13197&PHPSESSID=bobdu2g67q66170bbknde25cl3 Font: htt...
For: badass contest
I first color corrected the photo a little bit, and removed the blue and red fringe around the guy, then i created the table, with some fibers, and textures. Then i created the big thing: the eyes. They took small amount of time to create them actually. Last, i added shadows and few things.
For: badass contest
If you steal precious jewelries and get caught, which one would you secure?
For: badass contest