Ride with me
thanks to vimark for Girl smile image thanks to sankos for motocycle 1 image
For: badass contest
thanks to vimark for Girl smile image thanks to sankos for motocycle 1 image
For: badass contest
thanks and credit to http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/art/White-Zentai-W-5-183159206?q=gallery%3Amjranum-stock%2F1854263&qo=4 http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=3758&PHPSESSID=8vl17v0ogqj9bpv5iotmou8022 http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=43700&PHPSESSID=8vl17v0ogq...
What evil lurks in the hearts and minds of man? Only Photoshop knows... *Update: Liquified the chin a bit to make it narrower and longer (pointy)
For: scary face contest
hi-res is a must....
For: scary face contest
original photo is from my own stock. see sbs step 1 for uncut photo. **EDIT** since pre-made brushes like the hair brush i used in my original piece are not allowed in photoshop contests, i hand painted the hair using only standard photoshop round brushes. please see sbs for updates!!! THANK Y...
For: scary face contest
when this circus rolls into town, the people are filled with fear... Mr BigTop, in his glory, greets them at the gates... "Popcorn, Freakshows, three rings full of fun all right here!" Flashing his smile as he stares with blank eyes..... and as the sun sets, from miles around, silenc...
For: scary face contest
thanks to mjranum_stock for the face reference
For: reflections contest
source only Edit: some details are only visible in the high res
For: reflections contest
lip photo and source
For: reflections contest
Just the source is used in this entry for the container, all the flowers, and the background. Please see SBS for all the details.
For: reflections contest
Thanks to the badastronomer and gustavo campos, both at flickr.com, for the eagle nebula and clouds sources. And to Martin Sojka (island) and floato (tree) at flickr.com
For: reflections contest
Oktanas-http://oktanas.deviantart.com/ GrzegorzEnemy-http://grzegorzenemy.deviantart.com/ redheadstock-http://redheadstock.deviantart.com/ Thanks a lot for the amazing brushes guys...;)
For: reflections contest
PLEASE SEE HIGH RES Credits to: syccas-stock brunatka redheadstock CRCharisma
more sources (permissions for required images in SBS) thanks to DameOdessaStock http://dameodessastock.deviantart.com/art/Lantern-1-168447697?q=boost%3Apopular%20in%3Aresources%2Fstockart%2Fobjects%20steampunk&qo=547 thanks to BlokkStox http://blokkstox.deviantart.com/art/Antique-Fire-E...
For: space scene contest
For: space scene contest
The images of the terrain, were done in Terragen, a program that renders terrains like the ones I used here. The images are mine.
For: space scene contest
All CS5 No external sources.
For: space scene contest
Everything is done in PS and some imagination.
For: space scene contest