Manga Transform

This baby is growing up in manga
This baby is growing up in manga
Hello! I painted it all with only the mouse, drawing by drawing. Colored with Hue Saturation layer and blending. He was literally painted. Hope you enjoy the result. See the SOURCE before voting;)
Thanks chinatiger,NASA.
For: bubbles contest 'And it's not a cry, that you hear at night It's not somebody, who's seen the light It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah' Thanks to MjRanum Stock To create the base the model is standing on, i followed this excellent tutor...
She said yes and look how it looks his planet now! The source site for planets is nasa NASA/JPL-Caltech
This tutorial was inspirational and helpful:
here i used only custom brushes and a bit of pen tool
For: happy man contest
For: happy man contest
Thanks to: enrika79 - sky pic code1name - ardea herodias pic hisks - plane pic
For: happy man contest
For: happy man contest
source with dog and mouth picture
For: happy man contest
media :ps credits 1.greencheek 2.Chonastock 3.night-fate-stock 4.BokoGreat-STOCK
Couldn't find a higher res pic :-( best i got
Thanks to: mordoc - track pic levisz - snail pic akedeszing - snail pics Protect - snail pic the mutt - chrome pic lusi - girls dlockeretz - grass/sly pic mainrc - rope pic ibeeby - chequered floor
Thanks to Eduardo Amorim
For: cracked arch contest
For: cracked arch contest
Source image used in the making of this entry. The rest is PS and imagination. UPDATE: Worked on the shell a little more. I added some color and smudge, together with some levels and layer adjustments. Check SBS befor you vote please.
For: cracked arch contest
The hair and bubbles were done with the help ob this tutorial i used pen tool and burn and dodge tools foe highlights and shadows
For: bubbles contest