The Woody Woodpecker Show

For: bird head contest
For: bird head contest
Only given source was used to construct the alien.Original is 35mb, so I hope this is large enough to show all details. Credits to : heelontheshovel from DA for clouds image night-fate-stock from DA for mountains image The-strawberry-tree from DA for cliff image
For: silver skull contest
For: silver skull contest
all made from the given source and ps effects... Please see the sbs and highresolution before voting.
For: silver skull contest
Only source image used.
For: silver skull contest
For: silver skull contest
Design rather than realism of bird and vines became the focus of this image. Rhythmic birds and vines were created from skull using various tools; thanks to mike-in-ny at for the nebulae and NASA Goddard for Lagoon nebula used for background. Please see SBS details.
For: silver skull contest
nothing but the source
For: silver skull contest
inspired from the terminator movies.., No external sources used.., this one is a mix of source image with digital painting.., please watch the highresolution to see the details in the face and his brocken arm etc..,
For: silver skull contest
Just the source is used except for the background. Thanks to ArtbyChristi at for the background source. Bird and nest are created from source.
For: silver skull contest
For: blue window contest
Added some reflections from trees, ice and a frog I pictured yesterday.....
For: blue window contest
Just source
For: blue window contest
Thanks to sir chalky, Killian Tuor, Don Coyote, memoossa and marshalgon
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
Own sources used
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
this really isn't a religious stand point. this is more a personal standpoint. to the world that so harshly judges and finds themselves of position to judge. Thanks to Metallica for the awesome lyrics.. "Holier Than Thou" "No more! The crap rolls out your mouth again Haven't ch...
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
Credits to Eirian-stock
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
She held the rose in her hands, she had held so many of them in the last few days. As the thorns tore again at her finger she watched the blood flow. Legend told that the Blooding of a White Rose would save them from the devastation, famine, and war that would soon be upon them. She watched as the ...
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
oh!!wanted to make something special but cud'nt so just tried to make ( i hate it) &....completely done by photoshop hope u like it,& special thanx to: 1lockstock,2resurgere 3.night-fate-stock 4.WingsOfAHero 5.F2FStocks.if u feel that u dont like a thing then ur free to ask ....:)
For: threaded art contest
Just Source
For: threaded art contest