Sculpted of a Sculpture

Just the source was used as per my SBS.
For: threaded art contest
Just the source was used as per my SBS.
For: threaded art contest
only source image and PS.
For: threaded art contest
Hi! I hope you like my new entry! :D I always wanted to do something with a sea monster, in this case a sea tortoise but hey, they sure do look like sea monsters.. Well ALLOT of layers, cutting out using the pen tool, lighting and shading, masking sure came in handy :) and at the end some nice...
For: tortoise contest
Working on SBS
For: tortoise contest
Only the source image and PS.
For: tortoise contest
And SO it went that the hare beat the tortoise to the finish line, unfortunately the Hare tested positive for methamphetamine so the tortoise regained his title.....and got his own chat show..
For: tortoise contest
Thanks to: Johnnyberg (Background image) Peilinghis (Wood)
For: tortoise contest
For: odd news contest
My personal tribute to one of the best and one of the first Heavy Rock or Heavy Metal bands of all time! Quoted from: "In July of 1968, Iron Butterfly released the monumental LP, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, featuring the 17:05 minute side-long track that shook...
For: rusty shovel contest
Thanks to leonardobc at for the great pyramid shot. The rest is Photoshop. I'm more interested in comments about the basic idea but technical advise is always greatly appreciated as well. Thanks for looking.
For: old knob contest
For: what you eat contest
After the lid is all makes sense. See high res.
For: what you eat contest
source smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge smudge
"This is in honor of children's fantasies, fears, anguish we feel when we're young" (Se SBS and High Definition) Hope you like!!
Only the source was used. Background foilage was created from a ribbon on one bunny, and other flowers from the bunny fur. Details in the SBS. This bunny was holding a football, which became an easter egg. A little early for Easter, but Happy Easter anyway.
There is a pizza parlour in my neighborhood called 'Salerno's'. There is also a funeral home with the same name. I've always thought this seemed funny enough to try and combine the two. Tacky?... Absolutely! See high resolution. Sources noted.
For: neon lights contest
For: factory contest
Special thanks to: Peter Mazurek: (for waterfall) Martyn E. Jones: (for cityscape) Falk Schaaf: (for the sky) Qi Feng: (for dove)
For: factory contest