Pizza Delivery

Sorry about the stamp.
For: welcome back contest
Sorry about the stamp.
For: welcome back contest
made this a while a go .....i don't have the source photos's a water melon blended on a pork chop photo
For: welcome back contest
"I will Rule your Planet humans with my supreme cuteness and yacking up furballs... Mwhaa haa haa haa haa)
For: welcome back contest
This image was done in Photoshop. The image is the root of a tree that I found here near my house, took the picture, cleaned it, and here is the result.
For: welcome back contest
i hope you like it
For: welcome back contest
hope you like it
For: welcome back contest
We thought it was gone, but no..... It is back !
For: welcome back contest
See SBS for sources
For: welcome back contest
Rod Serling was a multi-talented man and a good writer. His television series "The Twilight Zone" ran for five seasons in the early 1960s and was extraordinary. Over the years, there were several introductions narrated by Serling. Here is one: You're traveling through another dimension —...
For: welcome back contest
Entry done for another site. Drew the sword, door knocker is 3D. Gold 'symbol' on crest is Vulcan script.
For: welcome back contest
Welcome back gift to all my Pxl friends.... see the High resolution to see the villain in Helicopter.. :) ( Background updated on 18th september, source link added)
For: welcome back contest
Photos of a discarded shirt combined with a photo of a coffee table for the back ground. Spider web drawn in photoshop. See SBS.
For: welcome back contest
Magical Dragons Themed Contest
This image is created from almost completely from my own stock and drawing. I did use a texture by Marqoni - but everything else was from my own photographs and digital drawing. See SBS for in depth and original photo etc.
For: welcome back contest
Only source used.
For: metal things contest
No outside sources used.
For: metal things contest
Thought I'd give this a go
Did not realize I had to reduce 70% to 600px W. I used PS to do all this animation..... the idea for me was to learn about an area I never used ....I is not a program made for frame animation..the tweening is of little use ...Although the new time line in cs6 can be used for position and opacity t...
Keyframe animation and shader adjustment in time to create the glowing effect. 90 frames at 6 fps
For: sunken ships contest
For: sunken ships contest
For: sunken ships contest