
For: chess piece contest
Hope You like it friends...Thank you
For: chess piece contest
Everything in this image is created from the window design. The beautiful swirl designs lend themselves to a flowery image so well.
source combined with a picture of a garden frogs eyes
For: painted wall contest
I thank the stocks and in particular the cybersb ...
For: light bulb contest
Inspired by the Bottle City of Kandor from the Superman Comics. Used source, with various PS brushes and filters. And the screw fitting of a different light bulb from SXC. (I am listing two images as "reference only". Because the original material was a comic, part of my reference/ins...
For: light bulb contest
~Oscar Wilde PS Radial Pipe Gradient for background Best if viewed in High res
For: light bulb contest
boy & mountains are private stock images see in sbs
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
Thanks to stock provider Auroradreams for all figures in the image. The Seascape is by mqtrf from last weeks Wild Sea contest. Window photo is my own - see SBS
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
Credits to mjranum-stock, Banana-Workshop, mariamurphy and night_fate for Stock.
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
I did this a long time ago. But wasnt able to upload it. Because the contest was for (-10) Level. Thx. I will add step by step if Im able to find the psd.
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
i followed this tutorial http://www.photoshoplady.com/tutorial/create-a-imaginative-golden-apple-tree-in-photoshop/2742
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
snail & stones images are from my private stock you can see them in sbs
For: mixed manipulations 10 contest
Thanks christianhaugen,wikipedia.
Like it or not, people are certainly making a living out of it.
The following tutorials were helpful: http://adobeperson.com/photoshop-basic-drawings/photoshop-create-crest-logo-tutorial-in-photoshop http://www.planetphotoshop.com/logo-design.html
There's always someone who doesn't appreciate modern art. Maybe the art gallery should invest in less primitive signage. Only the five sources provided are used. Rest is Photoshop. Please see high resolution.
For: five photos contest