High res is a must! :)
For: five photos contest
High res is a must! :)
For: five photos contest
“Love's gift cannot be given, it waits to be accepted.†Rabindranath Tagore It looks like all the figures in this image are waiting for someone to accept their love. Waiting for that special person, that want their heart. The waiting might make them sad, it might make them think, no ...
For: hoops contest
Pong Idea, just worked from memory, used to play it non stop with my siblings, added two of my own images for effect
For: eight bit contest
Thanks to: sixwings ; kristinkk ; jasonaaronbaca ; from DA for sources :)
For: eight bit contest
not based on modern interpretation based on the old 8- bit goomba
For: eight bit contest
everything i made from the given source image.., please check the sbs.,
For: frog closeup contest
For: frog closeup contest
"...OH sing me a song you're the Piano Frog..." You know how the song goes. Thanks to am-y at and istockphotos Ellande.
For: frog closeup contest
source and my photos
For: frog closeup contest
Thank you very much to Flickr for the White Spider source
For: frog closeup contest
For: frog closeup contest
If you wish for something impossible, you might be told, "Sure, and if frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their bottoms when they hop."
For: frog closeup contest
Thanks to cristianlaceanu and jawshoewhah for their photos.
For: frog closeup contest
frog hill
For: frog closeup contest
every thing is made from the source. Please have a look at the sbs and high resolution before voting.
For: swing contest
Thanks to super-chicken-stock and C130 at DA for texture & brushes.
For: eye bot contest
For: eye bot contest
A Cheerleading pyramid is all they could muster up. Pathetic indeed. I suppose some people approve. The Eye Bot guy at top of pile is noticing the accolades. Wood image is my own. Please see high resolution.
For: eye bot contest