Up in the air

For: vintage car contest
Thanks so much to teh0x at flickr.com for the gorgeous view of the Golden Gate; The driver and birds are drawn in with brush tool. See SBS for details, please.
For: vintage car contest
Gave a dog's photo near the hydrant. She smelt a new guy.
For: fire hydrant contest
thank you
For: fire hydrant contest
Only source image used. Please see in High Resolution.
For: fire hydrant contest
nothing but the source...tweaked this entry from the original to eliminate color. deep in the ocean...less light...less color
For: fire hydrant contest
Only source image used.
For: fire hydrant contest
Just the source used on this take-off on Peter Max's colorful art works. To see some of his delightful creations go to: http://www.google.com/images?as_q="Peter%20Max"&safe=active&as_st=yo to:
For: fire hydrant contest
I loved the concept and title of this image: http://browse.deviantart.com/digitalart/photomanip/?order=15#/d36pjaj I wasn't planning on uploading this but i wanted to have at least one entry up this week. I hope you like it :) Thanks to NightFateStock and Almudena-stock Permission in the S...
For: fire hydrant contest
Credit: chuqui, nickdesignz.deviantart.com
For: big foot contest
This was inspired by a snowy day off. Thanks to Torindkflt through Wikimedia. Other photos used are mine.
Thanks to gotmeamuse for the image.
All photos are my own stock and in the SBS.
For: mixed manipulations 9 contest
I submitted this piece for "Stained Glass" digital drawing entry, but was unaware the guidelines have changed (haven't been here in a while) so this entry does not fit the criteria for that particular contest. Figured all this work shouldn't go to waste and submitted it here.
For: mixed manipulations 9 contest
Being a bounty hunter is not easy. Sandy Clowes can tell you about it, because she is one of them. Although you live for the danger and excitement, it's also a lonely and exhausting life. In the end you can't trust anyone... But ok, after all these years she's kind of used to it, the people, the t...
For: mixed manipulations 9 contest
Mix in a woman with a tree. (I saw no restriction on use of stocks.) Thanks a lot to: http://night-fate-stock.deviantart.com/ (desert) http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/ (bones) http://resurgere.deviantart.com/ (sky)
For: mixed manipulations 9 contest
Thanks US Navy
For: tilt shift contest
For: tilt shift contest
A view of the one of the most beautiful squares in Holland, de Beestenmarkt in Delft. There is a story in this picture, it so happends to be that I lived in one of those cute houses and met my husband and now own two cafe's on this square. Our Belgian Beer Cafe is situated on the corner in the bo...
For: tilt shift contest