I give up...

Thanks to NightFateStock and Kathyoc
For: supersized things contest
Thanks to NightFateStock and Kathyoc
For: supersized things contest
For: supersized things contest
For: supersized things contest
All source.
For: white bike contest
For: lemon splash contest
I wanted her to appear frozen in time...beautiful forever! Thanks to Hallonnie for ice brushes.
For: ice people contest
thanks to xx Stacey xx @ dA for the model stock, and flashtucka@dA for brushes. my first attempt at this. there aren't too many tutorials out there to teach how to do this effect. seems they all repeat themselves. So i just mixed a few things from each of the tuts and added my own spin to them. ...
For: ice people contest
Thanks to D Sharon Pruitt for the image of the girl.
For: ice people contest
For: ice people contest
Credits to ~Katanaz-Stock , highaltitudes and meldir.
For: ice people contest
Thanks to mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/
For: ice people contest
Plot: an expedition to the center of the Earth discovers something truly amazing! I made this picture in 3-4 days, some at home.. some at work in my lunch brake with my sandwich over the keyboard.. Anyway, my SBS will be mostly ritten because i didn't took printscreens. My end file has almost 90 ...
For: rusty metal contest
Not so good to create Sci-Fi creatures, but I love the Sci-Fi scenes, so I came out with this idea. Thanks to mqtrf for the pic of the rocks. The rest is imagination and hard work. I used the source image to create the buildings. UPDATE: Changes were made, due to suggestions. Made the rocks, b...
For: rusty metal contest
Devastated by radiation bombardment the ancient freighter nears the end of it's millennia long voyage as it's drawn towards a gravity well. The long dead crewman drifts along side his ship his dead eyes witness to countless wonders. Thanks to madamemonty for the fish skeleton, woodleywonderworks fo...
For: rusty metal contest
She peers through the gauzy mists of Time and Space with her mystical orb and sea serpent familiar...
Thanks to Ahrum-Stock and Starlightspoint7 for their images :)
THANKS A LOT TO: http://luckystock.deviantart.com
For: lemon splash contest
source, photoshop , my own sketch....and some crazy imagination
For: gas mask contest