In Darkness Light Will Save Us

Credits to : Light Brushes - ~hawksmont , ~anodyne-stock and *ShadyMedusa-stock Witch - *mjranum-stock Floor and Wall - CGTextures
For: light people contest
Credits to : Light Brushes - ~hawksmont , ~anodyne-stock and *ShadyMedusa-stock Witch - *mjranum-stock Floor and Wall - CGTextures
For: light people contest
Credit: 1. 2. 3.
For: light people contest
Time to fuel up ... just a little top up for the journey home. Girl courtesy of Marcus Ranum All other images are my own. See SBS.
For: light people contest
Hair, jewels, body swirl design, pool, sky and most of the background were all created by me in PS. Thanks to Marcus Ranum for the model and to zepherofgod for the Luna Moth Wings.
For: light people contest
Thanks mqtrf for the photo!
For: light people contest
Its my first time really playing with light effects like this. Its harder than i thought. :lol: Special thanks to Eirian Stock @ dA for the model Obsidian Gaze @ dA for the crumpled paper texture And Thanks to Obsidian Dawn for the lightening brushes. :)
For: light people contest
the smoke brushes r made by flame painter very nice program!
For: light people contest
I got the splatter brushes from this URL.
For: dirty statue contest
For: dirty statue contest
Well, I was inspired to give you a second version of the statue. I see her in love with a matching partner :D I made the Photo from the cyclone during the Sandworld-Show at the Baltic Sea Lübeck-Travemünde and he seems to be the perfect for her...
For: dirty statue contest
Had to do it, couldn't help myself. Basic photoshop work, used transform warp tool to alter shapes and raise statues eyebrow.
For: dirty statue contest
thanks to aleheredia for GOLDFISH image. to johnnyberg for MAINE COONS KITTENS. to sommadjin for PEI BEACH . to linder6580 for WATERFALL
For: violin contest
“The past is not dead. In fact, it's not even past.†William Faulkner
For: violin contest
For: violin contest
pls comment. thank you
For: violin contest
Except for the picture frame, the image is made entirely from the source.
For: violin contest
Credits to: candymax-stock axy-stock lisajen-stock shibies
For: violin contest
After adding and removing flutes, piano keys, and other musical elements, it became apparent that less was more for this entry. Musical notes were created by hand, then applied layer styles, shadows, etc.
For: violin contest