Future Cleaner

For: dust bin contest
Only source image and default photoshop brush and filters are used to create this effect. Please see in high resolution.
For: dust bin contest
Mr.Opener....Everytime he is helping others to open a wine bottle. This time he got an opportunity to drink it. See how he is now... I used sxc images to create this entry. Thanks to Agnieszka Bialobrzeska & Alejandro Heredia for the beautiful images. Please check the SBS.
Thanks to ellikelli, redvisualg, ijetsu & cybersnot of sxc for their images.
FINALLY! It exists in my very own studio - introducing the Binford E520 Multi-Tasking Wine-and-Computing Tower for personal use. See SBS for main computer image.
This is how I feel about my chair and Angel seems to share that feeling.
Thanks to cryofmercury and stewartsteve for stock images
Thanks to jayul and Bobcatnorth
For: shell contest
Supplied image and one outer source used. Please see in High resolution.
For: shell contest
Thanks CG textures for the resources...:) Please watch high resolution before voting...Thanks
For: shell contest
Only supplied image used and the eye is from Pxleyes source. High Resolution Better.
For: shell contest
In search for the elusive Purple Mermaid...
For: shell contest
Photoshop CS3
For: shell contest
source and my pepper and mustard picture
For: shell contest
source and stone sample
Zsuzsanna Kilian-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/nkzs Kriss Szkurlatowski-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/hisks WingsOfAHero-http://wingsofahero.deviantart.com/ Ruxandra Moldoveanu-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/pirshulet Aristides Papadakis-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/metrovista biborné veres dorott...
Fonts used: Photoshop's: Stencil; impact and Arial Thank you to André Banyai of Flickr for his bottle.
For: kabooza contest
Thanks to ''mendisbrandy'' for source 1 Thanks to ''aliciarflowright'' for source 2 Thanks to ''mark-s'' for source 3
For: kabooza contest
Also used:Milk Carton-http://www.sxc.hu/photo/189279 Dora Mitsonia-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/float Davide Guglielmo-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/brokenarts Ove Topfer-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/topfer Kriss Szkurlatowski-http://www.sxc.hu/profile/hisks Frank alfababy-http://alfababy.devia...
For: kabooza contest