
I was attempting to make it look like the fairy was bringing the flower back to life. Just a random piece I made a few months ago. Sorry I didn't save the step by step but I did try to show how I put it all together in 1 image. It was all just blending work color editing and a few solar flares. ...
Credit to : 1. : Smoke Brush 2. : Skull Brush 3. Dragster : Horse
Many thanks to SenshiStock for her excellent reference stock and thanks to EveLivesey for the wing stock. I'm putting the URL for the wing here as she doesn't want her work hotlinked:
1. I created this background in Photoshop with a bunch of colors 2. I took a photo of a Bluebird that I had taken, removed it from its background and added it several times in different positions and opacity. 3. I took a picture of my hand making a flicking motion, and since my hand is old look...
Semisphere was made using PS 3D resource.
thanks to rubenshito for his posses matching my thought :-) thanks to sinanacar for Disco pic . thanks to Ravenslane for Big hall pic. thanks to Mattox for Old library pic. Hope now Pxleyes Moderator Team won't pull back my entry for not thanking someone :-)
For: decisions decisions contest
Sequel to the smash hit GIANT HORSEFLIES ATTACK!
For: giant movie monsters contest
For: giant movie monsters contest
It's hard not to trample stuff when you're out walking your baby...
For: giant movie monsters contest
Police departments are also beginning to use drug sniffing rhinos, since they have an acute sense of smell, and unlike sniffer dogs, they can break down doors.
For: guardians contest
For: guardians contest
thanks to George55 for Gandhi Statue , thanks to african_fi for girl image and thanks to doc_ for Fish Eagle image
For: portrait contest
1. Changed background 2. Overlayed painted some white to image to lighten. 3. Added yellow, brown, white to hair. 4. Smudge painted face and blouse to make it smooth. 5. Smudge painted hair, in the process changed the style slightly. 6. Used Photoshop Eye and Eyelash brush to add eyes. Se...
For: portrait contest
This is a Souron Soldier. I have always been a fan of the L.O.T.R trilogy. My kids came up with his name. Any resemblance to any persons, alive or deceased is strictly coincidence. LOL! Orcs were the most commonplace villains serving the Dark Powers in all of Tolkien's Mythology, a race of se...
For: pulley contest
For: skull contest
lightrays are made with lassotool, filled them with white, gaussian blur, lower opacity
For: skull contest
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here ( Dante's Inferno)
For: skull contest