Humming Bird

No outside images were used in the making of this entry
No outside images were used in the making of this entry
No outside images were used in the making of this entry. Please check SBS before your vote. Thank you.
Thanks to Clinge, for the pic of the blue butterfly. Thanks to mqtrf, for the pic of the spider. The rest is PS and imagination.
crack open the earth this is what you find. Its old !
only photoshop and contest image used
Religions apart, I do believe every souls, after accomplishment of their tasks, go to a wonderful place, where there's no war, no violence, no fear, no starvation, no suffering, no pain. Just peace, serenity, love, friendship, justice. A place where nobody needs to be in a hurry, to be worried. A pl...
For: heaven contest
Credit for space images: ESA/Hubble @
For: heaven contest
my photography
For: heaven contest
Thanks to "faestock" for source 1 Thanks to "dudquitter" for source 2 Thanks to "thelastminuter" for source 3 Thanks to "michellelove39" for source 4 Thanks to "lautner-lover" for source 5 Thanks to "Liquos" for source 6
For: heaven contest
Credits to chulii-stock - eirian-stock - simplybackgrounds - javierzhx -
For: heaven contest
There is a day in 10 years, every mortal can visit Heaven through the portal that St. Peter creates. He summons a Cloud Phoenix by the Heaven Sword, carrying this enchanted world close to the Earth.... It's time to go... Source credits to all the author I noted here Other sources: Child in bl...
For: heaven contest
Credit ESA/Hubble @ for the images from our universe. Thank you LadyVictoire @ deviantart for the planet brushes.
For: heaven contest
Just Source Used
For: keys contest
Just Source
For: keys contest
Only source image used.
For: keys contest
fetish: a magical object designed to aid its owner
For: keys contest
Only Source used
For: keys contest
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. Author: Edgar Allan Poe source and personal photos
For: keys contest