
source only
For: air crane contest
source only
For: air crane contest
source and cloud pic
For: air crane contest
From Wikipedia: "The Aircrane can be fitted with a 2,650-gallon (~10,000 litre) fixed retardant tank to assist in the control of bush fires, and it has proved itself admirably in this role. Erickson gives each of its S-64s an individual name, the best-known being "Elvis", used in f...
For: air crane contest
Thanks to Gironside, Christofho & Unseenob for the beautifull stock images ;-) So, this would have been my entry for retro games, but it was too late, so i made a few big changes and here it is...
For: air crane contest
A couple of textures, a couple of brushes, and the rest is drawn and painted in photoshop. Yes, I know it's weird, but it was a fun chop. ;-)
For: air crane contest
"Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure." Thanks to Demoncherrystock.
For: weave zoom contest
source and photographs
For: weave zoom contest
Thanks to Claudia Meyer, Paris (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1088035)
For: weave zoom contest
Scamming on someone is just plain rotten... Lying to them in order to get their confidence/friendship in the goal to cause their demise is the move of scoundrels. They have all the respect of the scum that collects under the rim of the filthiest toilet. You know who you are... and I pity and...
For: weave zoom contest
hehe i tried to make something really random! (the green and red spheres are the !lights of the traffic light)
For: weave zoom contest
A rope walked into a bar and the bartender yelled, "Hey! We don't serve ropes in here! Get out!" So the rope went outside, did a few contortions, pulled apart both his ends and sauntered back into the bar. "Hey!" sez the bartender, "Ain't you that rope I just threw out of he...
For: jokes contest
A Rabbi walks into a bar on Manhattan with a giant frog on his shoulder. The bartender stares and exclaims, "Where in the world did you get THAT?!?!" The FROG replies, "Brooklyn, there's hundreds of them."
For: jokes contest
Three guys, stranded on a desert island, find a magic lantern containing a genie, who grants them each one wish. The first guy wishes he was off the island and back home. The second guy wishes the same. The third guy says "I’m lonely. I wish my friends were back here."
For: jokes contest
Question: Why do gorillas have big nostrils? Answer: They have big fingers.
For: jokes contest
What do you get when you cross and elephant and a Rhino? Elephino (if you don't happen to get it - say it out loud... pronouched el - if - eye - no)
For: jokes contest
On reaching his plane seat a man is surprised to see a parrot strapped in next to him. He asks the stewardess for a coffee where upon the parrot squawks "And get me a whisky you cow!" The stewardess, flustered, brings back a whisky for the parrot and forgets the coffee. When this omiss...
For: jokes contest
Thanks to the following persons: lprbrenda, malan512, lusi, susiet, TouTouke, for the use of their images. Additional splashes were created with a 59 splash brush on a seperate layer.
For: hallway contest
All other sources are mine and included in the SBS.
For: hallway contest