Ward 13

Credit to leafstock from DA for the girl Credit to Jascha400d from SXC for the ball Credit to redheadstock for the cobweb brushes
For: hallway contest
Credit to leafstock from DA for the girl Credit to Jascha400d from SXC for the ball Credit to redheadstock for the cobweb brushes
For: hallway contest
Took quite a lot of work till I arranged everything the way I had it in my mind but I'm pretty happy with the result. ___________________ Techniques: A lot of masking, color adjustments, to get the main color effect i used a gradient map from black over dark-turquoise to a creamy yellow to white....
For: tree top contest
For: tree top contest
check the sbs for details... thanks to villa-arts laflaneuse ~cattycass ~archistock ~SBG-CrewStock and special thanks to ~Tigerygurl for the inspiration... for the stocks
For: tree top contest
I used very simple photoshop tools to create this piece. First I cut out the lion and lamb from their original pictures. The put the on the background and copied the background one more time to create the illusion that they are standing in the grass. I erased most of the picture except for a few gra...
Mustard is tired of being the second choice, he's out for revenge.
Ashlea-http://ashzstock.deviantart.com/ A man of little words-http://quansie.deviantart.com/ Mila Vasileva-http://milavasileva.deviantart.com/ Thanks guys for the great resources...
Thanks to: - somadjinn and tijmen @ sxc.hu; - João Freitas @ Photoxpress.
EDIT: i attempted to take into consideration the houses being too small. The source image reminded me of the little monopoly houses so i created this image. Please vote/comment Hope you like. Credits to "Temari 09" for the background and "NefletStock" for the table
For: house model contest
http://www.cgtextures.com http://fetishfaerie-stock.deviantart.com http://falln-brushes.deviantart.com http://night-fate-stock.deviantart.com http://browse.deviantart.com
For: rose thorns contest
This picture has a thought behind it. _______________________ Techniques used: Warping (puppet warp for the rose [cs5 only]), Gradient maps (brown-yellowish), a lot of colour adjustments. The shine from the window is made with a radial- and motion blur. The walls are set to soft light with a lowe...
For: rose thorns contest
For: rose thorns contest
For: rose thorns contest
right after reading the amazing tut by George55 at http://www.pxleyes.com/tutorial/photoshop/1965/How-To-Create-Beautiful-Birds-And-Flowers.html, I was tempted to put it into practice,...but it was too bad to me that the smudge tool on my comp. didnt work well so I tried to find another way, was tha...
For: rose thorns contest
Inspiration of this image came from this quote: "Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. You just have to live life to the fullest. Laugh as much as you can, spend all your money, tell someone what they mean to you. Tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring ra...
For: rose thorns contest
Thanks to Stockmichelle :) Sorry about the small file size.. my computer was struggling.
For: underground world contest