My Bad

the kidnapper didn't know what he was getting into.. thanks to west.m for the billboard picture
For: ransom note contest
the kidnapper didn't know what he was getting into.. thanks to west.m for the billboard picture
For: ransom note contest
For: ransom note contest
~Made from my pictures and CS5~
For: ransom note contest
just source
For: blue dolphin contest
All external sources. Thanks go to the following:
For: blue dolphin contest
source and my photos and flood filter
For: blue dolphin contest
credits and thanks: I have been inspired by Pendulum's billiant song: Watercolour.
For: blue dolphin contest
~ All Source ~
For: blue dolphin contest
Thanks to xNickixstockx and Night Fate
For: door knocker contest
Please see in High Resolution.
For: door knocker contest
Source image used.
For: door knocker contest
Thanks to and Learning new stuff and technique is always fun. Just to experiment Ponti55 color tone.
For: door knocker contest
This Chinese Dragon was created from the source photo. All details are in my SBS. Thanks to nasirkhan at for the fireworks photo.
For: door knocker contest
I had a couple of ideas to start this, but as it progressed, I thought of this final image as somewhat akin to a new style comic book. Thanks to mzacha @ SXC for the source.
For: door knocker contest
just used cloud brushes but rest is source. The brushes links are located in the sbs
For: heart contest
Thanks to Night Fate from
For: heart contest
this pic is not as complicated as it looks, meaning that it is easy to create. Mostly it was done using transform tool, masking, and some lighting effect (filter>render>lighting) to render the texture I created previously by going to channels and create a new channel for the texture. after th...
For: heart contest
source and PS
For: suspension bridge contest
my first entry, made with PS CS2
For: suspension bridge contest
Thanks Wikipedia,US.Navy Background : Windows XP game
One of my favorite games series! This is a combo of my pic, outsource image and drawings in PS. Thanks to bmm727 and Sam Ilic @ Flickr.