
Used only photoshop and the source image.
For: mug mug contest
Used only photoshop and the source image.
For: mug mug contest
All is created in Photoshop
For: gumdrop tree contest
Processed the given source in photoshop. No additional sources or references.
For: gumdrop tree contest
Used photoshop and the source.
For: red contest
Used Photoshop and the source image.
Used only the source image and photoshop. No additional sources or references.
This is the final image of my tutorial created for ... I will give you the link when the contest is over.
For: welcome back contest
Created this image in Adobe Illustrator. All patterns used are default.
For: welcome back contest
This image is from my tutorial written for... will leave the link when the contest is over.
For: welcome back contest
Meet Emuzaver from Katil Planet in DobraLamia Galaxy. This creature is completely harmless and friendly and it could make a good pet if you are patient enough to endure the strange grating sounds it gives out from time to time and if you are keen on cultivating Katil worms or just collecting them di...
For: out of this world contest
Everything is created in Photoshop.
For: dreamy landscapes contest
Everything is created in Photoshop with basic tools and default layer styles.
For: dreamy landscapes contest
Everything is created in photoshop, please have a look at the sbs.
For: steampunk 3 contest
Created in Photoshop. Used my own photo of frost texture to blend it with the Background Gradient :)
For: steampunk 3 contest
Created in Photoshop. Used Pen Tool, Ellipse Tool, Soft Brush, Smudge Tool and lots of Layer Styles.
For: fairy tales come true contest
Used only Photoshop- Gradient, Pen Tool and Layer Styles. The Stone Texture added as upper layer is my own photo.
For: design a christmas card contest
Created this image in photoshop. The Muddy Water Texture added to the Background is my own photo.
Used Pen tool to draw the ladybird elements (each one on a separate layer), created the Background with two radial gradients, added my photo of Tree Bark Texture and decorative elements which I have sketched on paper.
Created in Photoshop. Used also my three photos of Textures so please see the sbs before voting :)
Created this image in Illustrator using only Pen Tool and default brushes and symbols.
Created this entry in Illustrator and Photoshop. Both textures used- Tree Bark and Water are my photos. The Watercolor element added to the background was painted by me.