
Source, Photoshop and Illustrator for some of the shapes.
For: iron valve contest
Source, Photoshop and Illustrator for some of the shapes.
For: iron valve contest
Used the source image and two skull pictures from Mqtrf (PxlEyes stock).
For: pocket knife contest
Used source images from PxlEyes. Thank you Mqtrf and MnMCarta for the lovely stock.
Source image and Photoshop CS4
Source, Photoshop and Illustrator (only for spiral plant)
For: jewelry box contest
No sources or references. The image is mainly created with Photoshop. To make the scales used CorelDraw and Illustrator
Source, Photoshop, Illustrator for background
For: drills contest
Used three sources from PxlEyes, Photoshop and Illustrator for background. Thank you Artgirl, CMYK46 and Snappler for the beautiful sources :)
For: champignons contest
source, photoshop and illustrator
For: glass dove contest
Used the source and photoshop to create the image
For: tribal tools contest
Thank you Frankiehart, Jawshoewhah, Gotmeamuse, Mqtrf, Trialboj, Christy, Erikuri, Fille and Itsmymoment for the lovely stock images: 1. 2. 3.
Source image, Photoshop and Illlustrator for the fish shape
For: broken eggs contest
Sometimes it seems to me that even Eternity is melting... Source image, photoshop and Illustrator for the fake 3d shapes
For: sea star contest
Thank you Ali181, Mqtrf, Gotmeamuse and Hilleke (all from PxlEyes) for the lovely stock images. Many thanks also to Baringa-of-the-Wind and Midnightstouch from Deviantart for the splash brushes.
For: splash fun contest
Used two sources from PxlEyes, Photoshop and Illustrator. Thanks very much to Gotmeamuse for the building stock, and to Mqtrf for boat refference.
For: mixed manipulations 9 contest
source image and photoshop
For: bug closeuo contest
Used the source image and Photoshop CS4
For: orange sign contest
Used this tutorial as guideline:
For: tutorial fun contest
used designinstruct tutorial as a guildelines; the girl model is from PxlEyes; instead the vector sources given, used my illustrator shapes and preferred less destructive technique for body parts- clipping mask instead of eraser
For: tutorial fun contest
Used additional source from PxlEyes: photoshop and illustrator for the background velvets
For: eye bot contest
Only the source image is used
For: frog closeup contest
Only the source image is used, manipulated in Photoshop CS4
For: wisk contest
Used two additional sources from PxlEyes thanks to Nellista and Jawshoewhah
For: crazy shoes contest