51 comments given:
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

hmm I always thought buoy was the stuff used in ocean for markers and marking of anchor and crab pots locations. I heard that in some place fishing floats are also called fishing buoy. But Swimming floats or Swim Rings ?

Oh well good job . The only thing you missed is the ring ridge seams where they heat sealed the air filling assembly piece to the plastic sheet that make up the tube. Its generally about 1/2 inch around the blow tube. on the one I have seen.

(5 years and 2399 days ago)

avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Nice modeling. I cant get my head around Zbrush for mechanical modeling. All i use it for is Texture (Normal/bumps) and adjustment of model created in other program.

(5 years and 2406 days ago)

Entry number 87054
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Very cool

(5 years and 2407 days ago)

Electric shoes
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Still need texture source. And a more Detailed steps in SBS

(5 years and 2448 days ago)

Entry number 85702
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Go to Profile on this page menu. Under Profile->My Entry. Then Edit SBS on the Edit SBS page. This allows you to add Steps or modify your current steps.

(5 years and 2448 days ago)

Entry number 85701
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

No info in sbs for your technique on making the Compact florescent ?
and why are the glass on the other bulbs Black? After all,you did put detail in to the inside of those incandescent bulb.

But other wise nice job

(5 years and 2449 days ago)

Fused Bulb
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:


(5 years and 2449 days ago)

Entry number 85591
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

please Add SBS and Image Reference for to free or open source for the pictures in the frame.

(5 years and 2449 days ago)

Entry number 85701
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Put the texture on the TV in the illumination channel.This will give your GI a chance to get some subtle light from the TV. Adjust the apparent brightness of the room by lowering the white thresh hold.

(5 years and 2449 days ago)

Entry number 85702
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

very easy to do actually. Take 2 picture about 3 to 4 inch apart along the view plane. Edit in photoshop or Gimp.. vola you got an Anaglyph. If done by hand just pick a point of focus.. shift body to the left, take a picture.. then shift body to right and take another picture, Try to use the same focus point.at the same spot in the photograph. Va la you got a 3D picture about 90% of the time.. might have to correct for rotation and focus point alignment some time in gimp and Photoshop. Divergent view line is a no no in an anagryph. Give very bad eye strain when viewed. Paralleled view line on close object don't work well either .. and Good luck .. Very good depth illusion.

(5 years and 2827 days ago)

take it
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

To Jerostone .. yes an anagryph use glass with Red filter on Left eye and Cayan filter on right eye. (Some time is is the opposite) mine is a cheap paper paper glass with cellophane filter.

(5 years and 2827 days ago)

avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

offset incorrect... There should be more offset the closer an object is to camera. this image is the opposite. which give eye ache as soon as you view it as anagraph. Similar to trying to cross your eye..

(5 years and 2827 days ago)

avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

very nice anagraph good depth

(5 years and 2827 days ago)

take it
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

very good anagraph near perfect offset and very little color interferance

(5 years and 2827 days ago)

The mushroom
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

don't work real well as anagraph.. to much offset

(5 years and 2827 days ago)

Lost in the forest
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

That tire look better then the one i have on my car.... can i have it ?

(5 years and 2829 days ago)

out of use
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

This picture needs GI.... I did not realize there was skulls on the frame until i looked at the SBS. The render just destroy most of the detail visible in the SBS..

(5 years and 2839 days ago)

Time Out
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

what make it look unreal is because the skin look to chalky and dry. You need some sub surface scatter. to give a little translucency. and to make it less flat/dry you need some highlights. most skin contain oil. it has a pattern of highlights on it.

(5 years and 2976 days ago)

avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Can i ask what software was used ?

(5 years and 3075 days ago)

avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Good thinking out or the box..

(5 years and 3119 days ago)

more pencil and paper
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

I can just see a Hindu mystic sitting in it or maybe a yoga master buying one

(5 years and 3208 days ago)

Chair of Nails
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Look like something a Hindu mystic would sit in I can just see a yoga master buying one...

(5 years and 3208 days ago)

Chair of Nails
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Forgive me asking a stupid question. What software was this ? Is it ZBrush ?

(5 years and 3215 days ago)

Mobile corrosion
avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Seems her blouse has a hole on her Right shoulder behind the hair extension.

(5 years and 3221 days ago)

avatar CoyDog
CoyDog says:

Other then the distracting White haze over the image It look great Beautiful job.

(5 years and 3277 days ago)

Flower Power