Bucket of Bolts

A Steam Engine Motor bike
For: steampunk contest
A Steam Engine Motor bike
For: steampunk contest
Labyrinth in the Sun. Maybe it's baked....
For: labyrinth contest
A Paint brush and some Paint cans
Simple Spheres...
For: reflective sphere contest
The very first SLR I owned was a Canon Ftb. Seems appropriate that it should also be my first SLR camera model.
For: photo camera contest
A Classic acoustic guitar. with threaded bead string
A dark marble Hourglass with out time in middle of a dark forest.
For: hour glass contest
New Orleans Jazz. Banjo
For: string instruments contest
a hidden faucet by the wall..
well this is my almost 10yr old mouse..
For: your mouse contest
U.S.S Enterprise-E is off on another mission after some R&R..
I am trying for a in side a Museum glass case look.
For: king crown contest
A black butterfly in a Dark rain Forrest..
For: butterfly contest
These buggers are the bane of my yard and house.. one rainy night they got in to bed with me. No food around they just decide to get out of the rain by crawling in to my bed..
A tiny phone that I found on the internet.
Well this is my cheap AT&T goPhone.. Samsung model SGH-A177
First OLED flexible and collapsible display tablet.
Old and stated, still upper lip. not for the young and trendy..
For: pool table contest
Well I saw some very ornate antique perfume bottle when I googled so I decided to do one in that style.. and I placed it on a Purple Heart Table.
Well I don't know why.. But still life always give me impression of a fruit or flowers.. maybe because it is the default subject for still live.