862 comments given:
avatar CrystleClear

much better with the inside shadow author!

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

Up There
avatar CrystleClear

the bottom of her dress looks too blurry author, i really enjoy the background though! the area with the birds & light looks immaculate!

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

love the little hints of color, makes this entry more interesting

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

trickery! lol i fell for the title until i looked at the high res lol..i admit, i was fooled! very well done!

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

Father & Son
avatar CrystleClear

this is very well put together author! any sources used?

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

The Earth
avatar CrystleClear

this has a more comedic feel to it! i laughed a little when i seen your entry, dont worry its a good thing!

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

4 words(maybe 7?) lol: OMG I LOVE IT!

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

Want Me To Play For You?
avatar CrystleClear

wow the colors POP! i love the reflection

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

Banana boat
avatar CrystleClear

this is fairly amazing author, you are very skilled at water type graphics!

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

Water Hummingbird
avatar CrystleClear

the broken glass looks a little unrealistic, otherwise it is a great entry

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

this is sexy! i love the alluring feel to it!

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

Butterfly fairy
avatar CrystleClear

i think the stone texture on the elephant is interesting, i wonder if elephants were that rough lol i doubt they'd use them at a circus

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

i really like how you made the skin so pale like a real vampire! right on target!

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

love the eyes!

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

ooh ! this is eerie in fantastic way, i love the subtle color!

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

LOL! fav # huh?

(5 years and 3367 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

i dont understand the concept author..it just looks like two pics of a warped/skewed coliseum , the corners on the sides do not match the inside corners, they are too far up, a cool background not copyrighted would make this entry more intriguing

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Modern Coliseum Art
avatar CrystleClear

its probably the orb near the left side of the pic?

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Santa Monica Pier
avatar CrystleClear

this is amazing! Ray, the light could be shining from the bottom to the top..i think the lighting works in this manner!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Helping hand...
avatar CrystleClear

i think it is a splendid image!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

The Rain
avatar CrystleClear

this is beautiful! i somehow like the unusual lighting! good luck !

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Snowy Woods
avatar CrystleClear

this looks amazing author..i enjoy looking at this! it is very detailed!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Plaque on the Wall
avatar CrystleClear

since the radio is on a slant, you should try and make the words on the screen slanted as well..it does'nt necessarily look like a radio screen, but the rest of the radio is very good

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Radio Layerstack
avatar CrystleClear

author, you should try removing the blue reflection up top since there is noting implying that reflection in your entry, and some falling snow or glitter would make this exciting!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Snowy River
avatar CrystleClear

what does PS stand for author?

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

i heart PS
avatar CrystleClear

the shape of the globe is awkward, otherwise i like what's inside!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

how cute! the little pxl guys! great imagination author

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Pxleyes snowglobe
avatar CrystleClear

i enjoy the christmas feel of your snow globe, the wood on the base of the globe is remarkable!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

North Pole
avatar CrystleClear

this looks like a snow globe in a museum! awesome job author!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Merry Christmas
avatar CrystleClear

this is interesting! lol

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Onigiri swan
avatar CrystleClear

i love panda express ! great shot! love the angle

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Good Fortune, Great Advice
avatar CrystleClear

HA! they got really smart with this fortune lol, gave me a good laugh! its very true though!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Demanding Generosity
avatar CrystleClear

lol wow that got a little religious, now thats what you call a good fortune!!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

that so cool! it looks like they are closing the farther they go!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

three cookies in a row
avatar CrystleClear

hahaha lol thats a good one!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

words of wisdom
avatar CrystleClear

i think the lighting is a little awkward..otherwise its a perfect cookie!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

In the shadows
avatar CrystleClear

wow! thats a lot of fortunes!!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

Lucky Me
avatar CrystleClear

amazing shot author!

(5 years and 3368 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

i commend you on that lol

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

Excruciating Melt
avatar CrystleClear

love this! the only thing i have a problem looking at is the skull on the bottom left, its too dark, maybe brightening it up and adding some more contrast would be great!

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

i dont think it blends well with the background, if the fire man was leaving the earth's atmosphere on fire like he was a human missile would have been amazing! i love his pose

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

Packing Heat
avatar CrystleClear

fantastic fire structure author! the fire sparks add a very special touch!

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

Lake of fire
avatar CrystleClear

much much much better author!

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

i think you should make this more gruesome, because a simply hole isn't interesting! love the concept!

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

The Hit
avatar CrystleClear

wow such detail!!!!!! congrats author!

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

AGREED!! this is phenomenal !! great job author!! best of luck

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

Throne of Flames
avatar CrystleClear

good work, but i think the glow is still too unrealistic

(5 years and 3369 days ago)

The Institution
avatar CrystleClear

this is beautiful author! where is this place?

(5 years and 3370 days ago)

the canal
avatar CrystleClear

oomph! right on theme!

(5 years and 3370 days ago)

avatar CrystleClear

i think this picture is rather fine..doesn't necessarily belong in this category!

(5 years and 3370 days ago)
