
Purple oil..cant explain it any better lol.
For: oil contest
Purple oil..cant explain it any better lol.
For: oil contest
just kidding, these boys are my babies!! i love them with all my heart. Featuring my 2yr old Pitbull named Ace and a 7 yr old Pomeranian named Lucky!! They're like best friends, always playing around!
not very good at drawing animals but i gave it a shot!
For: cats td contest
my two dogs lucky and ace.. i dont know what exactly they were looking at though lol
For: comic strips contest
For: red lake contest
my 7 year old Pomeranian, Lucky
For: dogs contest
used my colorization skills to its best...along with some neat photoshop effects
For: mixed manipulations 12 contest
I grew up in a very religious catholic family, I have about 3 Holy Bibles, and 8 rosary beads, 2 of them which i carry around with me and one (my necklace) stays on my neck 24/7.
For: religion 2 contest
PS3 remote.
For: toys contest
the sea turtle exhibit is a "fictional" company i created that rescues baby & adult sea turtles that are being poached and used for their shells. the sea turtles are then safely place in a similar habitat that is within the company's facility, where families can enjoy and interact with...
For: animal logos contest
For: single leaf contest
changes made, thanks for suggestions!
For: chocolate contest