1104 comments given:
avatar DanLundberg

Beautiful image with true and lifelike reflections. Outstanding!

(5 years and 3457 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Interesting idea with good chopping and blending of the contest-source trees into your own high-rise pic. There is a discrepancy in lighting between the two pics, but it's not too noticeable. Adding some appropriate shading to the contest source (especially to whatever that is just to the right of the car) would correct that.

(5 years and 3457 days ago)

Historic Pathway
avatar DanLundberg

Creative idea beautifully executed. I do feel retaining the vehicle tracks to the right of the path from the contest source creates a distracting element, however.

(5 years and 3457 days ago)

Edge Of The World
avatar DanLundberg

An inspired take on the contest theme. But I'm with jadedink -- an udder bra (only, not in addition to) would have been truly hilarious.

(5 years and 3457 days ago)

Cow dominatrix - Madam Bovine
avatar DanLundberg

Very convincing! The height of the fence decreases too fast, however: the near fence edge is essentially just as high as the road is wide, but the far fence edge is only about two-thirds of the road width at that point.

(5 years and 3457 days ago)

amateur wall art
avatar DanLundberg

Very cute and creative! CMYK46 is right about the beard. The hair, too, blends in with its own leafy environment and thus looses its impact. From the SBS, the hirsuteness appears to be a Spanish-moss-like thing. Spanish moss always seems to have a silvery/grayish tinge to me. A tonal shift in that direction might make the hair more distinct. (Having the beard be in front/on top of the fronds of the far fern might help as well.)

(5 years and 3457 days ago)

Morning Playtime
avatar DanLundberg

Creative response to the travel labels on the bull source. The near van maybe should be a tad bigger as it's closer than the next van. The view through the windows of that near van is not of the van beyond it, and the rear end of that van might benefit from some feathering to transition better into the background. The cool plane sculpture needs a stronger shadow (including from the near wing) consist with the brightness of the highlights on the the fuselage and the darkness of the shadows of the cars in the parking lot.

(5 years and 3458 days ago)

Thats no Bull!!
avatar DanLundberg

Interesting idea, but shadows on the wearer's neck would make it seem more realistic.

(5 years and 3458 days ago)

Silver earring
avatar DanLundberg

I agree with CMYK46 on the need for 'explosion' asymmetry in order to appear more realistic. I also think some (perhaps around two-thirds) of the foreground grass needs crisp edges in order to create a feeling of depth.

(5 years and 3458 days ago)

falling objects
avatar DanLundberg

It is too dark. The distorted barn distracts from the rest of the image IMO. I think a (visible) bale [group] of say fifty turkeys would be more compelling.

(5 years and 3458 days ago)

Turkey farm
avatar DanLundberg

Nice idea. I'm not sure either pot mouth matches the perspective of the surface the pots rest on, however, and the bright-white rim rings seem odd for pottery. The base flange of the short pot appears to be farther back than the base flange of the tall pot, yet the body of the short pot (which admittedly looks like it's forward-leaning) is in front of the body of the tall pot. What is keeping the branch thingies from touching the tall pot's rim edge? I personally don't think random distorted/stretched/shrunk travel labels is all that compelling as pottery decoration; consistency would be better. More-feathered edges on the pots with more shading would make them appear less flat. The SSE highlights on the hanging plate are too intense and should be essentially no larger than the NNW shadows IMO.

(5 years and 3458 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Your concern for our knickers is to be commended. This looks legal to me. It also looks like a pretty dangerous work site with all that simultaneous earth moving. I think the coloring and high contrast of the end result adds drama and interest. The CAT at 9 o'clock seems to be an oddly mini one, however.

(5 years and 3458 days ago)

Nothing Will Work Unless U Do
avatar DanLundberg

Very cool! I like that the source is still discernible and I love the extra detail of the wallpaper. It seems to me the struts connecting the axles to the fender would cast more shadow onto the wheel hubs. Adding to erikuri's handle-shadow observation, the uniform shadows for the three wall-side steam pipes in the back seem inconsistent with the pipes' varying distances from the wall.

(5 years and 3458 days ago)

Jnr`s steampunk trike
avatar DanLundberg

Very lovely. To me, the phone looks like it's floating above the cloud she's sitting on because of where shadows are falling under the phone and because the bottom of the phone defines a plane that seems to be above the level of the plane defined by her bottom. A bit jarring to me is the phone cord. Its route is a bit odd with an angular path that clashes with the soft curves that dominate the image. I think a simple catenary between the phone base and the receiver would keep the viewer focused on the important elements of the image.

(5 years and 3458 days ago)

Heaven Calling
avatar DanLundberg

While it's a bit disconcerting that the author isn't sure what the image is about ("...maybe...", replacing the concrete slab with grass is a definite improvement. I think the middle-hoof shadow should be tilted slightly (8 o'clock to 2 o'clock) to better match the perspective of the ground.

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

Bison goes home
avatar DanLundberg

Notwithstanding the creativity of a bird not connected to its tail, I, too, wonder why this couldn't be done with any source with yellow and green pixels in it.

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

bird eye view
avatar DanLundberg

The revised text matches the lorry much better, but unfortunately the lorry still doesn't match the perspective of the scene -- specifically see http://www.pxleyes.com/picture/26232/4c8595c077639.html for how the vanishing points don't match up (bright lines good, dark lines bad).

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

moving day
avatar DanLundberg

Very interesting. Although I usually question borders, given the brightness of the image, the modest black edging makes it stand out more against the standard white pxleyes background. The blending of the two cloud sources in the center seems odd, however. The bright glints on the vents would seem to suggest strong shadows, not nonexistent ones. A hi-res version would be nice. The front vent actually seems like it might have a reflection which is weird (made more so when none of the other vents evince one).

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Love the title. Believable image (to the extent one believes cows wear suits and ties ). I personally think this would be even more compelling with a period picture frame, perhaps with a metal label fastened to it identifying the subject and why he's noteworthy. And maybe shown hung on a wall with period wallpaper.

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

Herbert Hooves
avatar DanLundberg

Nice idea. I wish the dogs didn't blend into the landscape so much. The far dog seems maybe a bit too large. There are some lighting issues: The sun is in the back, but your field source is lit from the upper right and the dog sources have light coming from various directions. The dogs aren't casting much of any shadows on the field, unlike the hay bale.

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Kind of creepy and disturbing, i.e., a success! Good job!

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Eyecatching! Creative idea well executed in bold, strong colors.

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

Mercy we need
avatar DanLundberg

Has a certain goofy charm. The clown nose and elastic straps need to cast some shadows onto his face in order to look real, however. (See, for example, where his finger and hood touch his cheek.)

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

The old clown
avatar DanLundberg

Pleasant change of pace to not use the pathway portion of the contest source. Nice blending. Good job of adding clouds while dealing with the foggy hilltop. The far end of the tracks is a bit of a problem, however. The trees are too small (compare to hillside trees, for example) and the low-lying fog beyond them looks more like an out-of-perspective lake. (Squeezing the much wider railroad tracks into the path's narrower space is tricky.)

(5 years and 3460 days ago)

Into a Crooked Existence
avatar DanLundberg

Amusing! I like the idea of replacing the uninteresting foggy sky. Replacing the foggy hilltops as well would be more convincing than the pixelated edge you created between earth and sky, however. The rolled up path should not have a shadow along the top edge and the side shadows should be much reduced (note the negligible shadows of the fencing posts). Lorry perspective is off: Draw lines along the outer edges of the pathway to determine the scene's vanishing point. Cut out the side of the lorry and distort it so that its top and bottom edges point to the same vanishing point. Do the same with the top and bottom edges of the text.

(5 years and 3461 days ago)

moving day
avatar DanLundberg

A random thought -- New title: Where the Buffalo Roam. Description: "Excuse me. I'm visiting from out of town. Where do the deer and the antelope play?"

(5 years and 3462 days ago)

Bison goes home
avatar DanLundberg

Interesting idea. Distorted White House is nice recognition that this contest is about an altered reality. The cows don't look 'real' (heads don't fit bodies -- edge-blending and lighting issues). Also, cows have hooves, not hands.

(5 years and 3462 days ago)

im going to work baby
avatar DanLundberg

Adding the streetlight gives more sense to the lighting (although it might be counter to the notion of 'pathway to darkness'). The bug trails in the light (if that's what that 'bird's nest' is meant to be) seem to be excessive, especially when the longer photo exposure they imply seems slightly inconsistent with the crispness of the moving guy. Visible stars seem unrealistic shining through the sunset, made more so by the lack of stars appearing in the dark upper-right corner.

(5 years and 3462 days ago)

Pathway of Darkness
avatar DanLundberg

Kudos for not going the CBR (chopped beyond recognition) route. Nevertherless: Seeing the contest source, I can appreciate how one might imagine "what if a real bison traveled around the Utah area and came back home with stickers on itself from where it went?" Overlooking why anyone would find the end result particularly interesting outside the context of this contest, it's curious that 'home' is a small, rectangular slab beside an urban parking lot. The rear stickers look more realistic that the front ones. The shadow is weak right under the hooves where it needs to be strongest in order to anchor the bison to the ground. It's not clear what the 'glow' in the 'beard' area is supposed to represent.

(5 years and 3462 days ago)

Bison goes home
avatar DanLundberg

Idea has potential, but CMYK46 is right that the upper-left orange-sky light doesn't match the constrained, white right-side light creating the shadow. Furthermore, a "pathway of darkness" that leads to a dramatic sunset is not particularly foreboding.

(5 years and 3462 days ago)

Pathway of Darkness
avatar DanLundberg

Very nice! The cheek creases on either side of his nose maybe could be softened a bit more. And some shaping of his left (our right) eyebrow to match what you did with his right one.

(5 years and 3462 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

I think this would be more effective if the right edge of the photo weren't butting up to the edge of the image, i.e., like the photo's truly floating, unanchored to anything. Walking out of the photo into the void personally strikes me as more "alone" than walking towards a place with signs of human habitation [refine the title?]. The shadow needs to start from the footprints and go out from there. See the shadow in your source, and note that the shadow is especially strong right under the feet.

(5 years and 3462 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Your source is apparently a basket hanging in front of a mud wall somehow without casting any noticeable shadow -- and without any shadow clues, I'm guessing that erathion's initial reaction was the same as mine: this basket is supposed to be sitting on parched earth, but the perspective on the earth is vertical when it should be horizontal, and the basket needs to cast a shadow to anchor it to the ground. One remedy would be to rename this "hanging onion basket," but a shadow would be nice, too.

(5 years and 3465 days ago)

onion basket
avatar DanLundberg

Very cool!!! I would expect the back side of a crystal fish to be somewhat visible, however. And while this is purely a personal artistic choice, I think green seaweed (rather than more crystal) would provide more variety and contrast while focusing more attention on the fish.

(5 years and 3465 days ago)

Crystal Fish
avatar DanLundberg

Interesting. Edges of the horse aren't as crisp as those of the warriors so it doesn't seem to fit. I'm not a jockey, but it seems to me that the rider is sitting too far back on the horse. As for the concept overall, I confess that I don't get it.

(5 years and 3466 days ago)

Ready for the battle!
avatar DanLundberg

I see two legs, but the curler seems too flat to me with a perspective that doesn't match that of the curling pitch (or whatever the proper term is). Conceptually, wouldn't the notion of 'ancient sport' be better served by making the background look like it's part of the bas-relief antiquity that the ancient curler is from?

(5 years and 3466 days ago)

(Very) ancient olympic sport
avatar DanLundberg

I'm with EmiK: This really feels like surrealism! Shortening leg 2 would make the giraffe appear more like it's standing on the rounded surface of the strawberry.

(5 years and 3466 days ago)

The Strawberry Giraffe
avatar DanLundberg

Hilarious! Very creative to change the source into its opposite. Party on!

(5 years and 3467 days ago)

It wasn`t always bad
avatar DanLundberg

Rather subtle and thus not very compelling, especially when the point of the image is not clear.

(5 years and 3468 days ago)

The Eye
avatar DanLundberg


(5 years and 3468 days ago)

Arrrrrrgh! No Cream!
avatar DanLundberg

Oddly interesting. I really like that the source image is discernable. The smudgy costume edge below her neck seems out of place given the clear edges everywhere else. I think the way the belt appears to be negative space allowing the background to show through is a cool effect that could be mimicked in a neck band.

(5 years and 3468 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

Creepy! I personally didn't notice the scissors until I read Se7eN0f9's comment which then prompted me to look more closely. More canvas on the right side to expose more of the scissors or bigger blades extending so they're in front of his near eye would lessen the likelihood of the scissors being overlooked.

(5 years and 3468 days ago)

Puppet Master
avatar DanLundberg

Very cool. The girl's pose and expression really give this a lot of crazy energy befitting a puppet show. The points where the strings attach to the puppet need to look more like there's some sort of physical attachment there. I think creepy doll eyes (a tad too wide open, staring straight ahead and not at us) would create a more complete puppet look.

(5 years and 3469 days ago)

Marionete (puppet)
avatar DanLundberg

Interesting concept. Looking at the hi-res, "Departiing with the Food" would seem to be a more appropriate title. The wing-feather edges seem too strong and the fledglings seem too blurry. The notion of carrying food in the beak and in each talon seems overdone. I think more shading would create more drama and depth.

(5 years and 3470 days ago)

Bringing the food
avatar DanLundberg

Obviously a dramatic silhouette, but it just occurred to me that these two figures would be really compelling if they were shadows on the shades of two windows.

(5 years and 3470 days ago)

avatar DanLundberg

I'm not sure the lighting makes sense (harsher on the lit parts for greater contrast between the light and shadow portions might be better) or that this really fits the contest theme.

(5 years and 3470 days ago)

A Sunflower Silhouette
avatar DanLundberg

Interesting idea and I applaud you for changing the time on the clock to match the 'story' of the title/image combination, but backlit objects at night are going to be dark in the foreground. Ergo the tower and the roof expanse should be primarily a silhouette. Instead, the right-side dormers appear to be lit from the middle left and the tower (except for the cupola top) from the front. Window glow [Step 7 of SBS] is grossly overdone, IMO.

(5 years and 3470 days ago)

Full Moon at midnight.
avatar DanLundberg

Without an SBS, this looks essentially filtered. It does not look like night or snowfall (maybe volcanic ash) to me.

(5 years and 3470 days ago)

Night Snowfall!!
avatar DanLundberg

Moody, but either the building and dock are are gigantic or the trees are tiny.

(5 years and 3470 days ago)

On the hill
avatar DanLundberg

I don't get the black bands and I think the title would make more sense if there were crosses, for example, atop the steeples. Perspectives are totally mismatched: background source is looking down while contest source is looking up.

(5 years and 3470 days ago)

God in nature