925 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar RickLaMesa

best of the bunch i think...good job

(5 years and 2970 days ago)

avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

not sure what I am looking at but it is well done, the left and right corner appears to be off the ground, This would work of course if that thingy is landing

(5 years and 2970 days ago)

avatar sande1001
sande1001 says:

Good idea, luck

(5 years and 2971 days ago)

avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:


(5 years and 2973 days ago)

no avatar

Love the prospective

(5 years and 2974 days ago)

no avatar

Nice! Pretty dang good for 2 hours I'd say.

(5 years and 2976 days ago)

avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:

Loving this..Great job

(5 years and 2976 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

IMO the forest should not be so desaturated because of all the whites on the window & the figure. Less white in the background would create more contrast & depth.

(5 years and 2980 days ago)

Hoping you get...
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

i love the image you did a good job but what is it that she is looking at? i am somehow hoping to see an answer in the image but thats whats in my head, this is your image so its a good work cause the pictures story continu in my mind a little

(5 years and 2982 days ago)

Hoping you get...
avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:


(5 years and 2982 days ago)

Hoping you get...
avatar Drivenslush

butt just clenched.. hehehe.. good luck

(5 years and 2982 days ago)

Hoping you get...
avatar gleizzable

very classical

(5 years and 2982 days ago)

Hoping you get...
no avatar
Keiley22 says:

its a very lonely and longing image to look at, its almost like she is trapped. I love the costumes of mizzd stock on DA, she is a beautiful woman and one of my favourites to watch on there

nice work author.

(5 years and 2984 days ago)

Hoping you get...
avatar fatz8016
fatz8016 says:

Great job author..i really like this one..GL!

(5 years and 2985 days ago)

Hoping you get...
avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Simple, but powerful at the same time. Nice work, author!!

(5 years and 3019 days ago)

I Want To Live.
avatar SaEllisson

Why does this remind me of southpark? At any rate its great!

(5 years and 3020 days ago)

I Want To Live.
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Cool and impressive.

(5 years and 3022 days ago)

I Want To Live.
avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

Congrats !!!

(5 years and 3023 days ago)

avatar derdevil
derdevil says:

Congrats !!!

(5 years and 3023 days ago)

My Fantasy World
no avatar
pshoudini says:

verry pretty abstarct work of art...i like the muted colors and the bottom part of the girl that desintegrates. great BG texture as well

(5 years and 3023 days ago)

I Want To Live.
no avatar
pshoudini says:

congrats hon on this great peace of art...very well executed and deserved the win.


(5 years and 3023 days ago)

My Fantasy World
avatar madamemonty

Congrats another nice work

(5 years and 3024 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

Congrats lovely work

(5 years and 3024 days ago)

My Fantasy World
avatar spaceranger

Congrats again Daniela!!

(5 years and 3024 days ago)

avatar spaceranger

Congrats Daniela!!

(5 years and 3024 days ago)

My Fantasy World
avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Yep. Thought so. Congrats and great job on this one! Love the muted colors throughout.

(5 years and 3024 days ago)

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Congrats on first place! Great job!

(5 years and 3024 days ago)

My Fantasy World
avatar RIPSAW
RIPSAW says:

(5 years and 3025 days ago)

Alice Falling
avatar rsguetre
rsguetre says:

A bit of a surreal look here, and the jet contrails in the sky are a nice touch even if it might be accidental - overall nice effect. If that's the sun setting in the background, maybe you could have made it a bit more orange and then fixed the way the light affects the gourd on the left - right now it seems that "something" is brightening the front of the "house" on the left. Or ... maybe I'm just too fussy?

(5 years and 3027 days ago)

My Fantasy World
avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Love the clothesline. Wow...these neighbors share laundry! What a close knit neighborhood!!! Great job, author!

(5 years and 3029 days ago)

My Fantasy World
no avatar
pshoudini says:

nice work...i love the muted color tones you used and i really love the idea.
i to am not that much a fan of PS light flair but in this case its pretty subtle and dosnt bother my view of this image. (it actually gives me a dramatic feel to the image)

good luck

(5 years and 3029 days ago)

My Fantasy World
avatar Drivenslush

I live in that neighborhood after too much vodka.. giggle snort

(5 years and 3029 days ago)

My Fantasy World
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nice image. Too bad about the lens flare, though.

(5 years and 3029 days ago)

My Fantasy World
avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Clean scarcity...! Nice mood once again from you author! Really like your work.

(5 years and 3030 days ago)

avatar JimLemon
JimLemon says:

Oh, she'd better land on something soft! Hehehe brilliant idea

(5 years and 3030 days ago)

Alice Falling
avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

looks better to me now author

(5 years and 3030 days ago)

Alice Falling
avatar BillRichards

Excellent capture. Seems that the flag is just supposed to be there. I would swear this was a natural photo, if I didn't know any better

(5 years and 3030 days ago)

avatar Eladine
Eladine says:

I like the image but i dont think you should have put the hair so straight upwards from the back of her head. I keept looking at what was wong with the girl why she looked so odd, then i saw it.. its the hair it gives the neck a real weird angle for some reason while you didnt really changed that at all. I love the mood u added to the picture and the color changes. The motion you ahve added fits perfectly too! I would have added the watch a lil more to the middle closer to her hands though. but overall its very nice, high score!

(5 years and 3030 days ago)

Alice Falling
avatar rodrigo73
rodrigo73 says:

Great work!! The ilumination is fantastic!!

(5 years and 3030 days ago)

avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

This has a surreal and a beautiful look to it. Nice work, author!

(5 years and 3030 days ago)

Alice Falling
no avatar
pshoudini says:

cool...i love the colors and mood...

(5 years and 3030 days ago)

avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

A bit too dark on the edges, you can't see her awesome shoes!

(5 years and 3030 days ago)

Alice Falling
no avatar
pshoudini says:

yoooo...congrats on the win darling...you did a great job with this one and the other medal image you did as well...congrats for both.


(5 years and 3037 days ago)

avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 3038 days ago)

avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 3038 days ago)

avatar artgirl1935

Another winner!!! Congrats!

(5 years and 3038 days ago)

avatar artgirl1935

Congrats on a great, and winning entry1! Love your work

(5 years and 3038 days ago)

avatar CorneliaMladenova

Well fit and dangerous guy

(5 years and 3041 days ago)

avatar jordyponce

Oh WOW!..,my fav!!.

(5 years and 3042 days ago)

avatar jordyponce

Nice mood author..

(5 years and 3042 days ago)
