
For: ps tournament 2 finals contest
For: ps tournament 2 finals contest
Well there was a problem uploading at first .. About the image : We all know about Apes to human so now i tried something different where apes were replaced by wolf , so hope you enjoy this entry IMPORTANT: CHECK HIGH RES and SBS \\\\\\\\\\\TEXTURES////////////: Texture 1 : http://w...
For: ps tournament 2 finals contest
Chinese translation of the tattoo is 'Game' :P Hope you enjoy this like the same way I enjoy yours :) IMPORTANT: CHECK HIGH RES AND SBS ALSO:Credit goes to the stock provides for helping me completing this !
For: ps tournament 2 round 2 contest
This is the image that popped in mind, when i thought about the topic. Of cause it looks totally different than intended. Hope u enyoy it anyway ;) additional sources: wings:http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=949812 decoration on the straps: http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&...
For: ps tournament 2 round 1 contest
Credits to: TwilitesMuse bluesse
• I have search everywhere through this site and found nothing about contest with the theme of PXL birthday, but after looked at the pxleyes team about, it gave me the reason to dedicate my entry as a celebration of pxleyes birthday which mentioned on April 2006 by Mister Monty’s about....
For: Ps Tournament 1 finals contest
• Please view the Hi Resolution of this image (5040 x 615 pixels) for a the best details. At last, this image was finally done! Friend in Every Season was my fictional image specially created to this 3rd tournament. A girl with his 'soul guardian', actually it's her imaginary friend. A l...
For: ps tournament 1 round 3 contest
Used images of my family for the sun and flowers to show the parallels of desired family life to that of nature.
For: make a wish contest
In this image i have created a Bot named Spooner by using only the textures of the Fork so enjoy it .& i am so thankful to following links for providing such a great stock image and also check the Full res. and the SBS.
For: fork off contest
• The Eighth Dragon Gate / 第八龙门 [Dì bÄ lóngmén] is a fictional Chinese digital painting made with Photoshop by the forsaken artist (don't worry it's not my real name) after finished the first war (Ko PS Tournament Round 1). • A self terror weapon fro...
For: ps tournament 1 round 2 contest
I felt the need to recognize that this is Holy Week to millions of Christians around the world. Happy Easter to All of You. Christ Has Risen! Thanks to CGTextures.com for the sky photo used for the background.
For: dead tree contest
NOTE: image has been remade without the skate source. Skates were painted in photoshop, no source. Thanks to SimplyBackgrounds @ DeviantArt, anettfrozen @ DeviantArt, habi @ Flickr, arcreyes @ Flickr, lazytchrochet @ Flickr and charligal-stock @ DeviantArt
For: ps tournament 1 round 2 contest
For: ps tournament 1 round 2 contest
Before man evolved millions of years ago life on the red planet was coming to an end. Those who still survived sought a new home on that blue planet not too far away. Scouts had already explored the fertile world and now the last remnants of a once vast civilization begin the migration to their new ...
For: steam power contest
Credits to: mariaamanda Elnias madmaven Ravanous
For: dead tree contest
For: ps tournament 1 round 2 contest
• Ecclesiastes 3 : 1 • • A Time for Everything • • There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under the heavens: The Surrealism Project was inspired by the Ecclesiastes from the Bible, the Tree of Life is like a Tree of Wisdom and Knowledge. I...
All external sources from 123rf.com
For: asian kid contest
In today's modern world...why must one experience this EVER in their lifetime?
For: unfortunate laugh contest